06 April 2014

This Crazy Life

So, it's been almost two weeks since I last made an appearance on my little blog and this makes me sad... I love this little space, and I enjoy every moment that I spend thinking, writing and creating posts. But sometimes life gets hectic and unfortunately for me, one of the first things that tends to take a back seat when the going gets busy is my blog. 

But I am still proud and enthusiastic when I return, and that's all that matters... to me!

Thank you to my special blogging friends who loyally return to read the blank pages and who send genuine messages of worry and concern when I am MIA for a while. I promise I am all good.

Just to keep you in the know...

After publishing my last parenting post on biting, SJ has started at her new school and has settled in well. She is enjoying her new environment and proves to still be our happy, confident and self-assured little madam. She seems to also slowly be growing out of her "phase" and as parents, we are a lot happier. calmer and well-assured that she is in the best hands and care during the day. 

Our little SJ also turns TWO next week! So this mama has been planning up a storm - this birthday is already the most fun because she knows exactly what is going on, always singing "happy birthday" to herself and excited to celebrate her special day at the animal farm and open her presents. 

Baby #2 is growing well and my pregnancy continues to be happy and healthy. We cannot believe how these past few months have flown by and we are already in week 32. We constantly feel great movement (a lot more than big sister SJ) and this little tot keeps us guessing pink or blue each day. We cannot wait to meet our little miracle in the next 6 - 8 weeks.

Our builders are slowly finishing off our snags and last few finishing touches to our house. We are hoping to have any contractors out of house and all complete in the next few weeks, to allow for some peace and quiet before baby arrives. And I promise a home tour when all is done...

And Monday brings a whole new week of school for SJ, hard work for MC, DIY party planning, gyming and a busy social week for us all.

Happy Monday!


  1. Life gets so busy sometimes! Glad things are going well for you! I love that picture!

  2. So lovely to have an update from you again! I have enjoyed the Twitter/Instagram glimpses but there is nothing like a good blog post

  3. Yay so pleased that everything is going well, and especially that SJ is so settled at her new school. I am still convinced it's a boy - can't wait to find out. And so looking forward to the tour of your new home, it sounds amazing!


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