21 May 2014


Due to our little surprise arrival, a few posts are long overdue and been sitting in my Drafts for weeks. Now that I am slowly balancing the juggling act that is being a mom-of-two, I am slowly getting back into action…

Easter this year, was very exciting - our first year that SJ could grasp the idea of the Easter bunny and a million chocolate eggs. She went to bed with great excitement that the Easter bunny was coming to her house the next morning to visit her and hide chocolate eggs for her to find. It's the first thing she said when she opened her eyes but thankfully we were able to divert her attention just enough to get to our morning church service (which was truly amazing and I urge you to watch the sermon here).

We got home to a hopping toddler who couldn't wait a second longer… She walked into the house to find "bunny prints" on the floor and half eaten carrots - the Easter bunny had been!!! We all opened our Easter baskets - my Easter tradition is to spoil both MC and SJ with new pyjamas and chocolate eggs each Easter, and then the hunt began…

We thought that we could trick our little two year old by MC dressing up like a bunny (all in white and with a bunny mask) and hiding in the bottom of the garden for her to get a glimpse of… But our little SJ is far too bright for us - she took one look at the bunny and shouted: "Hello Daddy"!!! You can imagine the eruption of hysterical laughter?! She also spent all weekend telling everyone that she saw daddy hiding in the garden… 

We ventured through the garden and house hunting for eggs (and learning that our garden needs to grow more as there are limited hiding spaces) and after filling her bag with chocolate eggs, she spent the rest of the day on a sugar high.

SJ's Easter art, baker baker and goodies from school

Bunny paw prints!!!

The bunny left his carrots...

SJ's Easter basket

MC's Easter basket

Easter egg hunt through the garden...

Found one...

And another one...

Yummy chocolate eggies...

Hope you had a "hopping" Easter


  1. Newest follower, what a lovely blog!!! Sweet fam! :)


  2. hahaha- she sounds like a fun girl!

    Though, as a bunny owner, I'm dying laughing at the "half-eaten carrots." They are GREEDY creatures who don't half-eat ANYTHING :)

  3. Are SJ's slippers Rhino's???

    She is the sweetest thing, and I love the idea of an Easter basket for everyone xx

  4. Ah this post just made me so happy - it's so wonderful to see young families with such great traditions and fun! You are a very good mom! :) SJ is just too cute for words!


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