30 May 2014

Five on Friday

I can't believe it's Friday!!
One part of me thinks this week has flown by in a blur, and the other thinks its been the longest week ever?! 
Either way, it's link up time with Christina.

1. This lady. My MIL is one heck of a lady. She is an amazing wife, a devoted mom and a doting Nana. But she is also an out-of-this-world MIL - and not too many girls can say that! I have never really understood this international feud between MIL's and DIL's?! This incredible woman has been the biggest support and rock over the last few weeks - she has been there to drive me around, do our shopping, cook us meals, collect SJ from school, spend afternoons having fun with SJ, taking us to clinic appointments, offering sound advice, a shoulder to lean on and cry on and a smile to laugh with - all while loving us with her whole heart and putting her needs last. I am eternally grateful for the blessing that she is in our lives. 

2. Eating right. After having two kiddies and eating "not-very-well" over the last two years, I have decided that it is time to get back on track. Trying to think of the right "healthy eating plan" for myself and tasty recipes to cook for the whole family. Do you have any you would like to share? Meal planning made fun with these printables.


3. Exercise. As with the above, I cannot wait to get back to gym and start exercising again. All while knowing that it is going to be extra tricky trying to fit the gym in each day with two kiddies but I am determined, and I cannot wait. The only downside to having a c-section is waiting the six weeks to exercise again. I also want to run - and when that happens, we have to act fast - because it doesn't happen often! I found these awesome exercise programmes online and can't wait to try them out. 

via Pinterest

4. Winter skies. We are so blessed in Durban to have the warmest Winters. Our average Winter temperatures are around 8-14'C, and we have lovely sunshine days with no rain, snow or wind. But the best part of our Winters are the evening skies. 

5. My dream car. Have you seen the new Porsche Cayenne?! No explanation needed.



  1. I too love my MIL! We are lucky ladies!

  2. Love that meal planner Cals! I printed one out, put it in a frame and used a dry erase marker on the glass for our weekly meals :)


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