09 July 2014

Book Review: The Husband's Secret

This book came highly recommended by so many bloggers and friends, that I JUST had to read it. And you have to admit, the title is a little intriguing!

The Husband's Secret: Liane Moriarty


Title: The Husband's Secret

Author: Liane Moriarty

Genre: Drama

Main Characters:
  • John-Paul - "The husband"
  • Cecelia - John-Paul's wife
  • Tess - A local mom who is betrayed by those closest to her
  • Rachel - School secretary whose daughter was murdered

The book follows the lives of three women: Cecelia, Tess and Rachel and the how "the secret" impacts them all. 

Cecelia finds and reads a letter written by her husband, confessing his secret. This turns her world upside down.  

Tess's marriage is torn apart when her best friend and cousin, Felicity falls in love with her husband. She moves away to think things through and hooks up with her old high school flame.

Rachel's daughter was murdered when she was a teenager and she has never found closure. She suspects that a fellow teacher at the school that she works is her daughter's murderer, and she intends on putting him away.

I was excited to read this book and really enjoyed it - with all it's hidden secrets. I was a little put off by the web of stories as it is sometimes difficult to keep up. 

Have you read it? What did you think?
Any other book recommendations?


  1. I enjoyed this one too! I recently read the Goldfinch and loved that one, although i found the ending slightly disappointing (don't worry, no spoilers there!). I have just read the first book of the Divergent trilogy and while it is a very easy read (probably more aimed towards teens haha) - I am loving it and started the second one this morning :)

  2. Ah yay - so glad you read it! I must admit, I was also a bit confused with the chopping and changing of characters - it took me a while to remember who was who. But I enjoyed it nevertheless! @Louise B - I've got Goldfinch on my wishlist! :)

  3. OK I am glad I'm not the only confused one! I'm like 3/4 done with it and I'm still having a hard time keeping up! It's taken me a really long time to read b/c of that! I just can't get into a groove! Everyone says it's the best book EVER and I'm still waiting to feel that...


Thank you for your lovely comment!