23 July 2014

EN - Month 2

Month 2:

Weight: 4kgs

Height: 52cm

Clothing size: Finally fitting into newborn clothing

Diaper size: Size 1 

Feeding: 120mls (every 3 hours) We are following a daily schedule of 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and demand feeding at night - she is waking once a night at 2am to feed.

Sleep: She is sleepign well during the day, after each feed. And she is sleeping from 7pm - 2am, has a feed and then 3am - 6am. 

Milestones: She is doing really well - she focuses her eyes and follows objects. She responds to noise and has a partial head lag. She is desperately trying to smile and coo.

Loves: She loves her pink cherry dummy and refuses any other. She adores her big sister and can just stare and smile at her. She now loves her bath too.

Dislikes: Just like her big sister, she seems happy and content at most things. She isn't a fan of a moving car stopping - traffic lights and stop streets are not her thing!

Adventures: Still no big adventures for our little tot but there are a few planned soon so watch this space! She spent her first morning alone with Nana and was such a good girl.

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: An angel big sister in SJ. We are so grateful that she has taken to being a big sister so well - she is so loving and gentle with her baby sister, always wanting and willing to help. She has shown no signs of jealousy or being possessive and demanding. We are so proud of her.

See SJ's Month 2 here.

*Monthly pictures taken by the beautiful and talented Bron from Vanilla Photography*


  1. SO glad to hear that things are going so well!

  2. Ah she is so gorgeous! I'm starting to see little hints of SJ in her too - so sweet!

  3. She is just too cute! Glad to hear it's going so well with EN and that SJ is being a sweetheart!

  4. Soo cute and cuddly! :) Also, I really want a monkey like this for baby K. Where did you get it?! LOVE!


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