02 July 2014

Winter Bucket List

via Pinterest

I won't lie, I am a little jealous of all the Summer bucket lists going around blogland at the moment. 
Especially because we have had our first chilly days this past week and we are about to enter Winter here in South Africa - (I can't really complain because our Winters are so mild and don't get THAT cold).

So, after reading Sarah and Katie's bucket lists (and wishing I was dreaming of beaches, sunshine and cocktails), I decided to perk myself up by making a Winter bucket list - it's not as fun as a Summer one but at least it is something to look forward to!

Winter Bucket List:

  • Take SJ to find and play in the snow
  • Drink hot chocolate
  • Eat a Sunday roast
  • Make homemade soup
  • Buy Winter boots
  • Make s'mores in the boma
  • Make a potjie
  • Use our fireplace for the first time
  • Donate blankets to a charity
  • Enjoy a hot bubble bath
  • Read a new book
  • Sign SJ up at the local library
  • Get my body ready for Summer
What is on your Summer or Winter bucket list?


  1. Oh I 'hear' the midlands may be expecting some snow this weekend.
    Always love your posts.

  2. ooooh, a potjie in your boma sounds awesome!! If you do get to snow with SJ, I bet the pictures will be amazing! Great bucket list

  3. Did you find snow in this past week with the freezing weather we've been having?! Hope so, great bucket list!


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