20 August 2014

25 Things You Don't Know About Me

In this crazy birthday week - with hubs away on business, a sick toddler, a busy week of planning and organising events, a hacked email account and a looming 29th birthday - I have been a bit slow and short of blogging inspiration.

Cue a 25 random facts post from Claudz that had me ooh'ing and aah'ing and chuckling away, I thought - why not?

25 Things You Don't Know About Me:

1. My name was hyphenated at birth, Caley-Jade and when I applied for my ID book in high school, Home Affairs left off the hyphen so now it is just a second name, Caley Jade.

2. I have a small, light brown birthmark above my right ankle (on the outside). SJ has a big, light brown birthmark on her right ankle (but on the inside).

3. I started wearing glasses in Grade 2, at the age of 8. We found out I needed glasses when my teacher asked me the time and I ignored her - not because I was being disobedient but because I couldn't see the clock.

4. I was Dux in Grade 3 - after getting 50/50 for a Maths/Afrikaans/English/Lifeskills/Geography test (each worth 10 marks). I got a trophy, my name on the school board and the book: Oliver Twist.

5. I have only ever had one boyfriend before MC - a toxic and destructive relationship for 5 years that started in high school. I learnt a lot.

6. I dyed my hair black at university and it looked terrible! To get it back to blonde, I had to peroxide my hair snow white. Two weeks before my 21st birthday.

7. My mom (my dad lived far away) never once fetched me from school at the end of the school day (2pm) - I always went to sport, after care or home with my Nan or a friend. Never, in 12 years of schooling.

8. My mom wouldn't allow me to pierce my ears so I went on holiday with my dad (they are divorced) when I was 12 years old and he let me have them pierced. 

9. I modeled the Playtex underwear teen range when I was in high school. I soon learnt the art of Photoshop as I walked into a clothing store, saw myself on a poster with green eyes and fatter thighs!

10. I've had the same cellphone number since I first got a cellphone in 2001.

11. One of my high school subjects was Home Economics. It taught me how to cook and bake well but after 3 years of school sewing, I still can't even sew a button. My Home Ec teacher always used my sewing projects as the demonstration which means she completed them all too.

12. I wore braces on my teeth for two years in Grade 8 and 9.

13. I weighed the same weight all the way through my high school years (and I was a lot smaller than I am now!)

14. I was a cheerleader/dancer and flasher girl for our local rugby team, The Sharks for two years.

15. I always thought I would be a boy mom. And now I'm a mom of two girls, and I couldn't imagine it any other way!

16. My first car was a white Chico golf. It was my Nan's car and she parked it in the driveway and never drove it again after a bumping a stationary car. It sat there until I turned 18 and she gave it to me. It was stolen 18 months later outside my first job.

17. My second car was a revolting gold coloured Daewoo Matiz (the half loaf cars). It had a 900cc engine (the same engine capacity as our lawnmower at home!)

18. I fell in love with MC the second I laid eyes on him, and knew in my heart that I would marry him - even though I had a long term boyfriend, he had a long term girlfriend and we lived in different countries.

19. I had bacterial meningitis when I was 17 - I spent 3 weeks in hospital and a month at home (two months off school) and on day 3, I said goodbye to my family because I thought I was going to die.

20. I designed our current home from scratch, every last square inch. I am very proud of my practical and logical ideas and design skills - everything I have ever wanted in a home. I am very luck for this - thank you MC.

21. I pierced my belly button in Grade 8 and it got infected within two weeks. Now I have a horrible scar above my belly button and a hole below.

22. I am not scared of much (except snakes!) and in 2009, I swam with sharks in open water and just a snorkel. I loved every second of it and would do it again.

23. When I found out I was pregnant with SJ, and my due date kept changing - I looked at the calendar and always said that I would love her to be born on Friday, the 13th (nearly impossible because it was 3 weeks before her due date!) and she was!

24. I have a clear memory of breaking my left leg when I was in pre-school. I remember the white cast (one of those old white Plaster of Paris with the black tip that you could walk on) and my mom says I never ever did... How is that possible?!

25. I have had cosmetic surgery, twice. The first was to sew back my forehead after splitting it open in a swimming pool accident and the second was elective - keep you guessing...

Anything interesting? Anything you did already know?
Anything shocking? Anything make you chuckle?
Tell me a few random facts about YOU.


  1. Love this! That's hilarious about the unknown broken leg! Also, I've had the same cell phone number since 2001!

  2. I feel like our paths must surely have crossed while we were growing up Cals, seriously! I so enjoyed this post, a Sharks girl? How awesome!! The broken leg story is the best, my brother is convinced he remembers being born - haha! I also had braces for 2 years, think I will be a boy mom, had one boyfriend before Chris and knew I would marry him the day we met. I'm so going to do this post now too!

  3. That broken leg story is insane!
    I had the same cell number from '99 until my brother took it over in 07. So it's in the family!
    I love that you were a Playtex girl and a Sharks girl - you're like a celeb!
    Aren't belly button piercings just the grossest?


Thank you for your lovely comment!