12 August 2014

EN - Month 3

Month 3:

Weight: 5kgs

Height: 54.5cm

Clothing size: Newborn and a few 0-3 months

Diaper size: 2 (your little thigh rolls are growing!)

Feeding: 150-180mls (every 3 hours) We are working well to our schedule of 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm.

Sleep: Guess who has started sleeping through?! Well done little poppet, you now sleep from 7pm - 6.30am. So proud of you! You have a good morning and afternoon sleep too - not much of a schedule though.

Milestones: She holds her head up when sitting, she lifts her head from prone. She squeals and smiles spontaneously. And she has started rubbing her eyes and putting her hands in her mouth.

Loves: Her big sister, and mommy and daddy's voices. She now loves the bath and her play gym and toys. She loves being cuddles and riding in the car. And you don't stop smiling!

Dislikes: We realised this month that she hates hard textures - she hated her bath towel and any thing not soft or smooth on her skin. She also hates the car stopping.

Adventures: Ellie had her first sleepover with Nana and Bumpa - although it was at our house. Lots of lunch dates and visits.

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: Our weekend away. It was so nice to get away, just the two of us, with special friends. We missed our girls but also loved a child-free weekend and being able to sleep in - and a sneaky few drinks too. Thank you Nana and Bumpa for having both girls for two nights - and enjoying the bonding time with little Ellie.

See SJ's Month 2 here.

*Monthly pictures taken by the beautiful and talented Bron from Vanilla Photography


  1. She's looking for gorgeous and you can see her own little personality coming through. Can't believe how fast she is growing!

  2. what a great sleeper!!!!! and size 2 diapers?! Growing SO fast! happy 3 months!

  3. Look at that sweet baby girl! She looks like such a happy baby! I can't wait to watch her grow friend.

  4. Wow, she's grown so much! Can see a lot of SJ in her - so precious! :)


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