26 September 2014

The day we became an item...

Our first photo together - 2006

26 September 2006
8 years ago
We became official. An item. Boyfriend and girlfriend.

I remember it so clearly, as if it were yesterday.
It was a Tuesday. The butterflies in my tummy were uncontrollable and I was on Cloud 9 because the evening before, I had spent 8 hours sitting on his couch, staring into his eyes and chatting away - about anything and everything, just to be in his company.

I felt it that evening. I just knew.
We were meant to be together, and I had a very good feeling that we would be.

That Tuesday evening, I hit the town with my girlfriends - our usual Tuesday disco at Casablanca. He said he was staying in on the couch. But an hour into the night, I turned around to see him standing at the bar. 

He had come to see me. He wanted to see me.
A fun night of drinking, dancing, flirting and chatting.
And it ended perfectly - with a kiss in the rain.

A kiss that sealed our fate.
A kiss that started our forever.
A kiss that made us official.
A kiss that I will never forget.

And this morning, I got to wake up next to this gorgeous man, lean over and kiss him again. The best 8 years of my life, and a whole lifetime ahead for us.

8 years ago, I fell in love with you, and today I fall in love with you all over again.

Our last photo together - 2014


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