07 October 2014

Blogtober14: 10 Things you would tell yourself when you started blogging

10 things you would tell yourself when you started blogging
1. Blog for yourself. Don't start worrying about other people, rather remember why you started the blog in the first place. I started blogging for me - for a creative space to put down my thoughts and experiences.

2. Don't compare. There are so many bloggers out there - many that do this for a living and have a lot more time and resources available to them. The blogging world is full of different bloggers that appeal to different readers. Don't get caught up in the comparison of better posts, prettier photos and better outfits or homes.

3. Make friends. Put yourself out there and strike up a new online friendship. Don't let it sound creepy, it is amazing. The blogging community is awesome in so many ways. Friends from other countries and cultures, friends to help you through good times and bad times. Amazing girls that share so many common interests with, and who probably just get you. I have made so many amazing friends online.

4. Comment. There is something sweet and lovely hearing my phone beep and there is a comment notification in my inbox. Why not make someone else feel that special and important? If you read something you like or that resonates with you, comment. Just make someones day.

5. Save. Save. Save. No, not money but your latest work. I have just lost this WHOLE post about five times - and it's bloody long!! 

6. Be honest. The blogging world is often perceived as too perfect - perfect clothes, perfect houses, perfect bodies, perfect holidays and all round perfect lives. No one is perfect, and neither are you. Blog all the fun and happy things in your life but also be real - blog when you are having a bad day or things are getting tough - you will be surprised at the support you get from the blogging community.

7. Spend time on your blog design. Or in my case, ask someone for help. My first blog design was very average and very homemade - it was terrible! I am happy with my little design now and every now and then, I make small changes. I love paging through crisp, clean, well designed blogs - it makes a difference.

8. Don't get too big for your boots. There are big blogs and there are small blogs, there are popular blogs and there are not-so-popular blogs. But everyone loves their own little blog and takes pride in it. Don't ever think you are better than another blog or too cool to be open and honest on your blog or nice to your readers and followers. Nobody likes someone who is too cool for school.

9. Don't copy or steal anything. A blog is someones personal, creative space - and just as you wouldn't just steal or copy a painting they had done or a book they had written - do not steal/copy posts or photographs. 

10. Just be you. This little blogging space is all yours and all about you. Don't do it for anyone else but you. Don't ever try and be someone you aren't. Always remember why you started and enjoy it, have fun.

What would you tell yourself?
Don't forget to join in 'blogging every day in October' with Taylor and Helene.


  1. Love this post so much, and I couldn't agree more! You're bang on with every point… ESPECIALLY blogging for yourself being the most important (if not only!) reason to blog. Loving these posts so much, Caley xxx

  2. This is a great post, and fun reminder, as I took a blogging hiatus for a long time. But and very happy to be back at it!

  3. Number 8 is my best!!


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