27 October 2014

Blogtober14: A letter to your younger self

A letter to your younger self

Dear Younger CJ,

At the sweet age of sixteen, you think you know everything. You are a new person with your braces off, flashing your pearly whites, hitting the nite club scene and starting to seriously take an interest in boys. But you really are so young and naive, yet confident and independent too.

Looking back, you have done pretty well. You made some good, wise decisions and you chose a good path and journey in life. But there are always ways to improve and always things you could do differently so here it goes...

Stay focused. There is so much going on in your life: school, academics, sports, cultural, friends, boys, health and beauty. Try and prioritise it all and stay organised. It will only help you juggle all these balls in life.

Have fun. Boys are just as much fun as boys but don't make anything serious. Enjoy guys as friends and enjoy your big social circle. Kiss a few frogs but just have fun. Enjoy this social time - rugby, movies, sweet 16 parties, nite clubs - enjoy it all and don't tie yourself down. There are so many more years for that, and you don't want to look back one day and regret missing out because you tied yourself down with a serious boyfriend.

Let go. You are a special and very giving friend to many. Don't waste your time and energy (and tears) on girls that don't want to be a part of your life. You don't need them, and you don't need to please everyone either. Have fun with those that want to be in your life.

Keep playing sport. It is so easy at school to have sport practice or matches every day, and to be keeping fit. But don't stop when you finish school. Keep gyming, keep training and keep fit - it will only help later on in life.

Go to university away from home. You will spread your wings and fly, you will gain independence, you will be able to live away from home, you will make new friends and you will have lots of fun! You won't regret it.

Well done again, you are a good kid!

Love Older CJ

What would you say to your younger self?Don't forget to join in 'blogging every day in October' with Taylor and Helene.

1 comment:

  1. love these! i've read a couple tonight and they are just great. i totally thought i knew everything at 16 too...something about that age :)


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