08 October 2014

Blogtober14: Letter to yourself in 10 years

Letter to yourself in 10 years

29 year old Caley

Dear 39-year-old-Caley,

Wow, the big 4-0 next year. That sounds old, very old. I can't help thinking it's a very "mommy age" - I always remember my parents being 40ish. And now this is you.

I know that you are still happily married to a now 42 year old MC - he is one sexy man at this age. I always knew he would age well with even more crinkles in eyes when he smiles, his wispy blonde (or greying?) hair and his athletic body which he has been looking after over the years. I bet you love even more than you did back then... And even ore as you celebrate 14 years of marriage!

Your sweet little SJ is almost 13 - a teenager!! I can only imagine how that confident, feisty little personality has developed into a real, little madam of a teenager. I am sure she is an achiever at school - in whatever area: sport, academic or cultural - and she loves the boys, just as she did when she was a toddler - a real, busy tomboy. You know how difficult and confusing life as teenager can be so be patient, calm and understanding with her. Keep the lines of communication open and guide and support her through this important phase of life. She is starting high school soon and that is going to be an exciting but also a life changing experience in her life. 

Little Ellie is not so little anymore - she will be 11 years old and in the midst of primary school. Are the girls at the same school? And do they still share such a great bond? I imagine that Ellie is still a little quieter and more timid than SJ - just following in her sisters shadow but still such a happy and content little girl. Is she blonde or dark? Is she more like you or MC?

Is or was there a baby number 3? If so, he/she would more than likely be 7 or 8 years old (if all went according to plan)? Was it another gorgeous little princess or a little man to join the family? Does MC have his hands full with 4 females in the house or did a little boy add to your hectic chaos?

I can almost guarantee you are still living in your beautiful home that you built - you always said you would die in that house. Have you changed the decor (probably one hundred times since then) and have you added on like you always wanted in the family expanded? I am sure you still love living on the coast and you spend any happy moments with your family in your happy place. Is Durban even still the same? I imagine it has grown too - with so many more developments and buildings. Has global warming affected the beautiful climate - hot, summer days and blissful Winters by the ocean?

Oh how I wish your special sisters have moved closer to you - in an ideal world Debs, Josh and baby pumpkin (who is now 10 and possibly has siblings too!) are back in Durbs and enjoying play time with their cousins. And Kez is now a specialist doctor in the area too. I hope this is the case. And if not, I imagine many trips to London and all over the world to spend time with your family.

Please tell me that you found a property to own your own little play group and now you run a thriving business that takes care of all the sweet children in your area. A warm and cosy group that makes kiddies feel at home with excellent teachers and carers and fun days of learning and play time. 

And last but not least - what are your plans for your big 4-0 bash? I know you love to plan a party or maybe you are tired of it now after 13 years of kiddies parties? Never! I know you have something big and exciting planned - and I cannot wait to see the details and pictures (in ten years time!)

All my love,
29-year-old-Caley x

Don't forget to join in 'blogging every day in October' with Taylor and Helene.


  1. Absolutely beautiful, Caley! I look forward to seeing all these beautiful things come true over the next 10 years… and hopefully we'd have had the opportunity to meet and know each other a little better by then! x

  2. I want to jump into a tunnel and come out at the other end of the picture you've painted here! I do hope all this and more comes true for you


Thank you for your lovely comment!