29 October 2014

Blogtober14: Most embarrassing moment

Most embarrassing moment

I don't really have any really embarrassing moments but one moment popped into my head - it's not all that embarrassing (although it probably should be!) but it is hilariously funny...

For our wedding, we decided that my Step-Dad would walk me down the aisle, my Dad would say a speech and my FIL would dance with me for the Father/Daughter dance. 

My FIL is a great musician and he loves to dance so as an impromptu dance, he whisked me on to the dance floor to Michael Buble's "I've Got The World on a String". We laughed and danced and twirled around the dance floor - loving every minute until... Dad went in for the dip and DROPPED ME!

Haha, just imagine me falling to the floor, very graciously in my white wedding dress but flat on my back and Dad tumble turning over me. We were in hysterics! And our videographer caught in on camera - priceless moment!

No photo of our dance but this is Dad and singing and dancing to "All the Single Ladies" together

What is your most embarrassing moment? Don't forget to join in 'blogging every day in October' with Taylor and Helene.


  1. That's so funny but so special too!!
    My SIL was dropped in the middle of their opening dance. Correction, she flew! IT was captured on film - she's laughing, the groom looks surprised and the crowd is either laughing or shocked - priceless!

  2. Oh my gosh this is hysterical!!! And I love the way you gave each of your dads something special on your wedding day xx

  3. Oh my goodness. That is an amazing moment and I'm so glad it is caught on camera. hehe You were a stunning bride my sweet friend.

  4. Haha I can just picture all of this happening in my head! Love that you got it on camera - that's a moment you'll never forget :)


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