18 October 2014

Blogtober14: Share a secret about you

Share a secret about you

I am quite an open book - I don't have too many secrets.
But you may not know that...

I am as blind as a bat.
Yes, most people know that I used to wear glasses and now I wear daily contact lenses - but what you don't know is that without them, I cannot see! My prescription is so strong (I am almost 50% blind!)

And I hate it. 
It is so inconvenient - every night, I have to take my contact lenses out and then I cannot see. I hate that I cannot just run to a crying baby or that I would have to scramble for glasses if an intruder walked in. I hate that I can't open my eyes under water when I swim and that I have to wear goggles when swimming training.

It is also VERY expensive, and our medical cover (even being the best) only covers my contact lenses for 4.5 months of the year. It is such a waste!

Yes, I have though of laser surgery but I have to have a different form of surgery that BRUSHES your cornea whilst you are AWAKE!! Seriously - you try brush your eyeball with your toothbrush tonight and tell me how good it feels... Ouch! I'm a big baby.

Let's just pray that our girls have MC's 20/20 vision and aren't blind like me!

Don't forget to join in 'blogging every day in October' with Taylor and Helene.

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