31 October 2014

October Goals: TICK

via Pinterest

After a not-so-great month in September, I was more determined and motivated in October.
So, how well did I do?

  • Pay MC a compliment every day. I didn't keep count but I definitely did.
  • Kiss both girls every day. This is easy - I smother them in kisses (especially EN who can't say no!)
  • Exercise four times a week. I did it three weeks out of four.
  • Keep eating clean. I did - only cheating twice and then on holiday.
  • Drink more water. Drinking more than I ever have - but I can drink more!
  • Lose 2kg.
  • Save R1000. Saved.
  • Go on a date with my husband. We finally did - we went for sushi and to watch Gone Girl.
  • Book and enjoy a facial. I did and gained some new beauty products.
  • Complete #Blogtober14. I didn't miss a day!
  • Read one book.
  • Cook one special recipe. I did - recipe post coming soon.
  • Bake one special recipe. I did this too - recipe post coming soon.
  • Organise playroom storage. Ordered.
  • Apply for EN's British and South African passports. Done, waiting for delivery.
  • Send EN's Dedication invitations. Sent - and I just love them!
  • Book Christmas family photo shoot. Booked for mid-November.
  • Celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary. It was low key this year but perfect.
  • Celebrate special friends' wedding. We did - until 5am!
  • Be a bridesmaid. I was.
  • Become an aunt. How perfect is my little niece, Florence Rose?!
  • Celebrate a special friends birthday. We did with a pamper massage.
  • Find Halloween outfits for SJ and EN. It wasn't easy but how cute?
  • Meet Shay, Steph and Ashley. Yay for blates, post coming soon!
  • Go on our holiday to the USA. We are still here and loving it!
25 out of 25!!
Well done me - what a rocking month!


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