12 November 2014

Holiday Recap: Houston

My love for the USA has never been a secret - I seem to gravitate towards their shops, their style, their food, their blogs, their sports, there-just-about-everything (I probably should have been American!) so it is no surprise that it is one of my favourite holiday destinations too.

MC and I travelled to New York and Florida in 2011 as our early anniversary trip but since having kids, it'a s little tricky flying across the ocean for a holiday. Cue work commitments and my special SIL running the NYC marathon - and we had the perfect excuse to head to the States...

Our first stop - Houston, Texas.
MC has been on three previous business trips to Houston and as he needed to go again, we decided I would go with as the start of our trip. He has always wanted to show me around town and I loved it - Houston is so much like home - warm climate, friendly people, pretty landscape and quite laid back - definitely a state I could live in.

We left SA Saturday evening and landed in Washington early Sunday morning, caught our 4 hour connecting flight to Houston and checked into our hotel: The Westin Oaks at lunchtime. After a quick shower, we headed into The Galleria - one of the biggest shopping malls with every brand imaginable, tasty food outlets and it's on ice rink. We spent the afternoon window shopping, me eyeing out my potential purchases for the next day and a tasty lunch. 

On Sunday evening, we went for a dinner at one of the outdoor pubs - sipping on Pimms and watching the sunset on a perfect evening. MC and been dead set on taking me to his favourite Honky Tonk: Firehouse Saloon (side note: I think I married a cowboy) but it was closed so we settled on Wild West. Sunday nights aren't very busy but we had fun - we were the youngest couple by about 40 years and we were in hysterics (and awe) of these two-stepping cowboys who swirl around the dance floor in cowboy boots and stetsons, swapping partners and changing directions with perfect choreography. We had a few drinks, played pool, tried one round of the dance floor but soon left after feeling dizzy and stepping on other dancers toes, haha!

MC had to work on Monday so I spent the day shopping and then meeting up with two special blogging friends: Steph (and her precious Miss Paisley) and Shay. I have read and followed these sweet girls for the past few years and been in touch online and over messages - weird how we feel like we really knew each other. Having lunch with them was pretty surreal but such a treat - they are both as gorgeous and sweet in real life and it was an awesome day together. Thank you girls for your generous Texan hospitality, the laughs and giggles, delicious Tex Mex and cupcakes and sweet baby snuggles with Miss P. It was so heart warming and touching that Steph drove in to town to see me, even with a newborn and Shay drove a few hours from Austin and stayed overnight - you gals are the best!

With the crazy schedule of work meetings and being in town for just two week days - I unfortunately get to see two other friends: Ashley and Karina and her gorgeous little man, Ryan. I am so sad I missed you sweet friends but I treasure our notes and messages, and keeping in touch. Hopefully, I will be back one day soon.

Tuesday was a lazy day whilst MC worked again - a hot and humid day of last minute shopping, and then exploring the downtown shops and villages, ending off with a tasty bespoke meal at Underbelly.

Wednesday morning, we headed to the airport - next stop... New York.

On our way... First flight of many

Chasing the light

Westin Oaks Hotel

View from our hotel room

Healthy green juices

Sun setting in the Lonestar State

Sunday night pub dinner

Shots at the Honky Tonk

Lunch with the girls

Yummy cupcakes

Meat board at Underbelly


  1. Ah it sounds amazing! I also love America and ca't wait to take Chris there, the line dancing sounds hysterical - would love to see that. How awesome that you got to meet some blogging friends too?

  2. I love the USA! I can't wait to go back!!
    Sounds like you guys had an amazing time in Houston - I wish you had filmed the dancing!
    You're looking radiant my friend and so healthy too!

  3. Cals! You skinny little thing! The United States looks good on you my friend! Now we must just coordinate a trip to California :)

  4. Love the pictures - you guys are such a beautiful couple! I've never been to Houston but now I NEED to get to that mall, it sounds fabulous!


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