22 December 2014

EN - 7 Months

Month 7:

Weight: 7.8kgs

Height: 67cm

Clothing size: Still a big size 3-6 months and small size 6-12 months - I have even found a few 0-3 months that still fit

Diaper size: About to start size 4

Feeding: 6am - bottle, 9am - cereal and bottle, 12pm, vegetables and protein, 3pm - bottle and fruit, 6pm - cereal and bottle. Still loving her solids!

Sleep: She is sleeping well again. Two good sleeps during the day (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). Goes to sleep at 7am and wakes at 6am.

Milestones: She is sitting well, rolling over, standing with support, holding two toys in each hand

Loves: Our special family - it is heartwarming to see her little face light up when one of us walks into the room. Her big sister is still her favourite and the only person that can make her laugh and giggle. She is also loving trying new foods and loves the sweet taste of fruit. 

Dislikes: Our little preemie is still very sensitive - and she can be quite teary with new faces and places.

Adventures: Ellie was dedicated to Jesus this month and she stole the show - she was a happy and smiley little girl as everyone gathered to dedicate her. A real blessing for our little miracle. She has also spent a few days and evenings with Nana and Bumpa and loves being with them both. Ellie also had her first Christmas party and met Father Christmas.

Mommy & Daddy could not live without: Our Gogo. This lady really is something special and she is a huge part of our family. She does so much for us and she adores both our girls like her own. This year has been a busy year and she has stepped in to help and be the 'other' parent when one of us is away. She has also been such a help with functions like EN's dedication and to look after EN while SJ has been on holiday.

SJ's Month 7 here.

*Monthly pictures taken by the talented Bron from Vanilla Photography*


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