30 January 2015

Five on Friday

I am VERY excited for Friday this week because it means only two more sleeps until my hubs gets home!
Friday link ups with Five on Friday with Christina and Oh Hey Friday! With Karli and Amy.

Favourite Holidays

As I sit at the start of a new year, dreaming of holidays… I remember a few of my favourites. Take me back right now!

1. Mauritius. This is one holiday that is ALWAYS one to remember. We have been lucky to have been four times already - once as an engaged couple, once when pregnant with SJ, another for best friends wedding and most recently, last year when pregnant with EN. And we cannot wait to get back - sunshine, beach, pools, cocktails, buffet, endless activities and 5 star luxury every time. Always a guaranteed break - rest and relaxation.

2. Phinda. This was the start of our honeymoon and it is crazy to think that in almost five years, we haven’t been back. For anyone visiting South Africa, Phinda is a bush lodge you cannot miss. Three days of early morning and late evening game drives, seeing the Big Five and all cats, outside showers and private pool, boma dinners and five star luxury.

3. Matemo, Mozambique. The second stop of our honeymoon. A tiny island off the coast of Mozambique with no airport and only a grass runway for our 8 seater plane. One resort on the whole island and almost no guests when we went so all the service, buffet and beach to ourselves. A week of tanning, swimming, eating, cocktails, dolphin and whale watching, and the afternoon naps in the hammock.

4. New York. The Big Apple has stolen my heart, forever. Our last holiday before having children and we did it all… Yankees baseball, Knicks basketball, Broadway musicals, Carlos bakery, non stop shopping, bike rides through Central Park, burgers and pancakes – what a holiday!

5. Disneyland, Florida. Oh to be a child again – we went as adults but acted like children. We went to every park, we went on almost every ride, we played games to win stuffed toys, we bought Disney memoirs, we watched fireworks and parades, we went on water park slides, and we ate ourselves into oblivion – pancakes and waffles, burgers and hotdogs, sodas and ice cream. We did not stop!

Anyone else need a holiday…
Happy Weekend



  1. Nothing beats looking back on lovely holidays :) They all look amazing! x

  2. What amazing holidays!!! Michael and I are booking a trip to the Dominican for this summer and I am so excited to just go and lay around on the beach.

  3. your travel adventures look amazing!! traveling is a favorite hobby of mine and my husbands as well. i will have to take advice from you, your holidays look like so much fun!

  4. Those sound like some amazing adventures! Im planning my anniversary vacation for September and we may do it big and do Santorini or Belize - or may have a surfing/beach vacay down the pacific. Happy Friday!

  5. These places look like so much fun!! I love taking trips.. That is my fav thing to do
    Chelsea @ thewilliamsjourney1.blogspot.com/

  6. Oh my gosh! New York is still calling me! Dream of mine to visit!
    Phinda must be amazing!

  7. Such a lovely round up, aren't we just so blessed to be able to travel and explore the world and all it's beautiful adventures?

  8. You guys are so beautiful! We love New York.. I say we meet there one day or maybe I can convince my husband to visit South Africa!? Looks so beautiful!

  9. Those all look like just LOADS of fun and relaxation! :)
    I've been to DisneyLand & DisneyWorld- they are great trips to take if you like rides enough but my favorite I've been on is a cruise down the Mexican gulf and also trip to Kauaii OH the water, sand and surf (surf meaning =FOOD) its amazing! Go if you ever have a chance! :) <3 promise you won't regret it!


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