10 February 2015

33 Wishes for You

33 years ago, the love of my life was born.
Every day, I wake up and I smile, I am so grateful for that day. So grateful that such an amazing man was put on this Earth for me to find, love and cherish and spend the rest of my life with.

Happy birthday MC.

This is the first birthday of yours that we have spent apart since we got married, and it definitely is one of my saddest moments. I wish I could wake you up with thirty three kisses, fill our room with thirty three balloons and bake a delicious cake for you to blow out thirty three candles.

But instead... Today, I remember thirty three of my most favourite and special moments with you.

  • The first moment I laid eyes on you, and I just knew...
  • The moment you drive into our rugby stadium in your white rugby shorts and you stopped to chat...
  • The moment you showed me your spinning cowboy belt buckle...
  • The moment my phone buzzed with your first text message and I danced on a golf hole after saving a tortoise in barb wire...
  • The moment I walked down the steps to your front door and you mocked my hair colour...
  • The moment you first hugged me in your driveway and I never wanted to let go...
  • The moment I turned around in a crowded night club and saw you standing there, looking for me...
  • The moment our lips kissed for the first time in the pouring rain...
  • The moment watched you fly away in an aeroplane, for six months and I knew a piece of my heart went with you but all my trust was in you...
  • The moment I heard the most magical three words leave your mouth "I love you"...
  • The moment I sat and watched your first game of cricket for a whole day and I never took my eyes off one player, you...
  • The moment I spent a weekend with your parents in their home and you weren't there...
  • The moment you bought me my first Bible and prayed with me and for me...
  • The moment you covered me in Turkish mud, from head to toe, with me shrieking in a hot water spring...
  • The moment I opened my eyes to you down on one knee asking me to spend the rest of my life with you...
  • The moment you called me your girlfriend, your fiancĂ© and your wife for the first time...
  • The moment you had all faith in my finishing my first mini triathlon and you held my hand the whole way through the swim, the cycle and the run...
  • The moment we canoed across a lake, hiked through a forest and found the most beautiful waterfall to swim in together...
  • The moment you said I had worked so hard for so many years and you allowed me to be housewife and now stay-at-home mom...
  • The moment I walked down the aisle to your gorgeous smile waiting for me...
  • The moment you said "I do" and allowed me to kiss you with tongue in front of everyone...
  • The moment we lay in a hammock as husband and wife with no travel bags or medication but we had everything in the world...
  • The moment we kissed and cycled our way through Central Park on my dream holiday in NYC...
  • The moment we screamed through roller coaster rides, me holding and squeezing your hand so tight in Disneyland...
  • The moment I told you we were pregnant for the first time, and we both cried and then the second time, and we both cried again...
  • The moment you encouraged me to study again and your belief in me allowed me to pass with distinctions...
  • The moment you held my hair back and rubbed my back as my morning sickness took over...
  • The moment you carried my semi paralysed body after dinner and I opened my eyes to see you beside me...
  • The moment our little SJ said "I lala you dada"...
  • The moment we spent the first night in our new home, that we built from scratch...
  • The moment you walked into the maternity ward after EN was born...
  • The moment you first held in your arms in the NICU, so big and protective...
  • The last cuddles you gave me this week as a thirty two year old...
These are just 33 moments in our last 9 years together that I think about and smile. Imagine the many many more that lie ahead...
I love you to the moon and back birthday boy


  1. Happy birthday MC! Thank you for making Cals so incredibly happy - you deserve the best birthday, wherever you are this year

  2. What a perfect post to your sweet husband. Happy, happy, happy Birthday MC!

  3. Happy birthday MC - you are a lucky guy to have a wife who loves you this much!
    A beautiful heartwarming post Caley, really nice to get an insight into your love for one another.


Thank you for your lovely comment!