03 February 2015

January Goals: TICK

via Pinterest
The start of a new year - always very intentional but also very busy! How did the first month of the year play out for me?
  • Be more intentional with MC
  • Be more present with our girls
  • Lose 2kgs - Haven't put on but haven't lost!
  • Exercise 3-4 times a week
  • Attend church every Sunday - Haven't been at all.
  • Enjoy quiet time and prayer each day
  • Drink more water
  • Save R1000
  • Stay organised with my Simplified Planner
  • Plan all our meals
  • Remember important birthdays
  • Make time for those that matter
  • Don't waste energy on those that don't
  • Learn to say No
  • Settle SJ into her new school
  • Join a new Moms & Miracles class with EN
  • Start the 90 Days of Romans with Nicole - We started another Devotional instead.
  • Have fun in the sun
  • Attend a vow renewal
  • Write in my one-line-a-day journal
  • Enjoy a facial - A busy month allowed for very little me-time
January was a very busy month for us - MC was away on business and EN was very sick so I didn't get much done or very much sleep.
Hoping February is a more productive month!


  1. Business and sickness aside, it looks like a very successful month!

  2. Well done on hitting most of your goals! That's impressive, I never hit mine.

  3. You got so much done friend. I am proud of you! The beginning of the year is always an adjustment. Can't wait to see what February has in store for you!


Thank you for your lovely comment!