04 March 2015

Blogger ChitChat: Week One

Wednesdays are now fun, Blogger Chit Chat days...
This exciting series was the fantastic idea by Claudz and Chantelle - and now I am the third C to join the chit chat!

Claudz blogs at Purple Lips and Perfect Smiles and we have become online friends through our blogs  - I joined Claudz Recipe a Week Challenge and we have kept in touch ever since. 

Chantelle blogs at Cocktails and Memories and we have only started getting to know each other through this series.

Week One

1. Describe your style in 3 words.

Chantelle: Contemporary, comfortable and feminine.

Claudz: Laidback, comfortable and neutral.

Caley: Casual, colourful and feminine.

2. What's your favourite way to spend a Saturday (based on your current life/income etc)?

Chantelle: Wake up with a cup of Nespresso and a cookie. Read through some Twitter and enter a competition or two. Decide on a movie to watch or find a nice spot outdoors for a picnic and some photo opportunities. Or: play Battle City and catch up on some series.

Claudz: Wake up early and go for a great run! Have a relaxed breakfast (which includes a huge cappuccino) and then start the day. I'd love to catch a movie or maybe take Max with us for a picnic somewhere. In the evening I want to have sundowners with friends before they come over to our place for a braai.

Caley: A lazy lie in with out girls and my hubs, whole family in the bed with tea. A good gym workout and breakfast, family time at the beach followed by an afternoon nap in the aircon. A cosy night in, takeaways and catching up on series with my hubs on the couch.

3. Your biggest achievement and biggest regret in life.

Chantelle: My biggest achievement is buying my first home. Standing outside my house with my parents - who worked so hard and made sacrifices to ensure I had the best education they could afford - this was a very proud moment for me. I didn't let them down.

My biggest regret in life is before breaking up with a boyfriend, I told him the truth about not loving him for a while and that I had kissed someone else while we were together. I wish I had kept this to myself, we were breaking up anyway so there was no need to hurt him anymore.

Claudz: My biggest achievement is keeping the cat, dog and husband alive... mostly. On a serious note, so many grown up things - owning our own home that we saved up to buy, living on my own in foreign countries and being the person someone wants to love and be with.

My biggest regret is not having spent more quality time with people who mattered to me. I wasn't close to my maternal grandparents and could have made more of an effort to understand them before they passed away.

Caley: My biggest achievement in life would be passing both my degrees and my two pregnancies and births. 

My biggest regret in life is not going 'away' to university - one that was not in my city, away from familiarity and involved living in a res or on my own. 

Stay tuned for Week Two next Wednesday


  1. Thank you for joining us! I really enjoyed the questions and reading all the answers. Lovely getting to know you xx

  2. Thank you again for being a part of this series Caley - I have really enjoyed it so far!

  3. How fun!! Lovely getting to read about these fab ladies ;-)


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