24 March 2015

Dear... Growing Old

I'm a little late with this months The Letter Link Up with Amber but I;m excusing myself with the way these weeks and months are just flying by... 

March letter prompt is: Growing Old

Dear MC,

Before I had ever imagined marrying someone as wonderful as you, growing old was pretty daunting. The idea of getting wrinkles and saggy skin, bad worse eyesight and bad hearing, walking with a limp or assisted, struggling to get out of bed in the mornings, taking numerous pills and counting the days to kicking the bucket - didn't sound all that appealing?!

But with you - anything is amazing. And now my only dream is that we get the chance to grow old together. I love doing life with you and I cannot wait to be wrinkly and grey (I think you will make a very sexy silver fox!) with you. I can't wait to become grandparents with you - you are the most amazing father and I just know you are going to be an even more incredible grandfather. As much as I love our family and current busy schedules, I also cannot wait for the day that it is just the two of us again - to enjoy lazy days, travel the world and go on our very own adventures together. 

I'm not delusional though. I know that these growing old days will also bring tough and testing times. But the love and care I have for you is deep and the promise I made to you is to be by your side through young and old, in sickness and in health. And this means, I am also here to repeat myself when you can't hear, hold your hand when you struggle to walk, remind you to do things when your memory fades and care for you when you can no longer care for yourself. We are in this together, now and always.

Growing old is exciting with you by my side.
My only fear is that we may not get the chance but I pray that God's plan for us is to grow old together.

Love, Your Bride

Read February's letter here.


  1. oh, delightful. i've always felt afraid of growing old, in that it's a process of losing things... and lately i've been trying to realize while there is loss, there is also gains and remembering or focusing on the gains is what makes age wonderful and blessed.

    may you two grow old and your love more beautiful together.

  2. Such a beautiful post and a wonderful link-up! Xo, Stephanie


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