06 March 2015

Five on Friday

Yay for Friday and the weekend!
Link ups today: Five on Friday with Christina and friends, and Oh Hey Friday! with Karli and Amy.

Favourite TV Shows


1. Elementary. This modern Sherlock Holmes is mine and MC's favourite show. We save a few episodes and then enjoy them int he evenings or weekend quiet times together. We don't usually like the same series so this is our treat. I love any suspense or detective drama and the mind of Sherlock is truly incredible. 


2. Stalker. This is a new one on my list and I am hooked. Again, it is a suspense and detective drama but the minds of stalkers is quite scary. The internal stalking story keeps me coming back for more too!


3. Pretty Little Liars. Yes, I know I am almost 30 and this is a high school teen thriller but I cannot stop watching until someone tells me who A is! Seriously! So many seasons and still no concrete answer! I don't watch this when I'm home alone though...


4. Gossip Girl. It's all over but I still remember almost every episode. I absolutely loved following the lives of the spoilt kids of the Upper East Side. So much drama... I miss them.


5. One Tree Hill. Also all done but never forgotten. To be honest, I don't think I ever finished the final season... These were down to earth kids trying to make a life for themselves, it was interesting watching them grow. I may go back and finish this now...

What are your favourites? 
I think I need a new one or two.


  1. I can’t turn away from pretty little liars! I am dying to see who A is!
    I love re-watching Gossip Girl; one of my all time favorites!

  2. I love One Tree Hill!! I will never forget that show :) It was great
    Happy Friday
    Chelsea@ thewilliamsjourney1.blogspot.com

  3. OMG we definitely have the same tastes! I am OBSESSED with PLL… I don't care that it's teens, I love it!
    I have never been able to watch Stalker… too scary but I'm so intrigued! I started watching the first episode and couldn't get through the first 2 minutes of the girl in the car! YIKES!!

  4. Cals you have to finish One Tree Hill! This is my favorite show by far, ok and Gossip Girl. No matter how old we are we will never be able to stop watching these teen drama's. Have a great day pretty lady.

  5. The only one of those that I've watched is Elementary! But you should definitely try New Girl! :)

  6. One Tree Hill and Pretty Little Liars are my favorite! We have started watching Secrets and Lies, it is so good! Xo, Stephanie


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