22 April 2015

Dear... Saying I Love You

I don't know about you but I feel like I just wrote my last letter... And now it is letter time again! Where are these months disappearing to?
Linking up with Amber.

April Letter Prompt: Saying I Love You

Dear MC,

It is hard for me to say I Love You. They are words that don't just roll off my tongue. They are words that often fail or struggle to come out of my mouth. They are words that I sometimes find difficult to feel. I don't love easily.

Call me hard or cold, but love for me doesn't come easy. I have to REALLY REALLY love you to be able to say those three words. And I don't love very many people. 

But you know this.
And still, you taught me how to love, how to really love and how to say I Love You. Easily. Loving you is so easy, so natural.

I look back now and I think that I've always loved you. You made me believe in love at first sight. Our love has always been here, always been present.

Every day our love changes, it deepens and it grows. The love have for you now is so different to the love we shared when we first met. I loved you as a sexy stranger. I loved you as a new friend. I loved you as my adoring boyfriend. I loved you as an excited fiancĂ©. And now I love you as my rock of a husband and the best daddy I know. 

Every month, I pray for the confidence and ability to say I Love You more and to say it in the way that means the most to you. I pray that those three words express the true feelings and emotions that my heart is so full of. 

Thank you for teaching me these three, powerful words and for saying them to me - each and every day you make me weak at the knees when your lips say these words like blowing me kisses.

I Love You MCR.

Read March's letter here.

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