14 April 2015

EN - 11 Months

Month 11: 

Weight: 9.5kgs

Height: 73cm

Clothing size: A few 6 - 12 months but more 12 - 18 months now

Diaper size: Size 4

Feeding: 6am - cereal and fruit with yoghurt, 9am - bottle and sandwich, 12pm - veg, protein and starch mix and fruit, 3pm - bottle, 6pm - veg mix, cereal and a bottle. She is still loving her finger foods - sausage, orange, apple, biltong, dried fruit, biscuits and just about anything... Not much changed this month!

Sleep: Morning nap: 9.30-11.30am, afternoon nap: 3-4.30pm and a good nights sleep from 7pm - 6am. She loved her sleeps during her holiday...

Milestones: Crawling up a storm and to everything she shouldn't be touching - the stairs, the oven, the TV buttons! Standing firmly and trying to stand alone - the walking is coming soon. Her bottom two teeth are now out but no sign of any others... She is responding well to her name and saying hello and bye. She still loves to say ta. Her favourite person and favourite word is Dada.

Loves: Her family - we are so blessed to have a babe that just adores us all. It really makes us all feel so special. Her face lights up when we enter a room, she laughs and giggles at us and she cuddles into us when being held. She is a little family girl.

Dislikes: The doctor - poor tot has seen her fair share and she hates them coming near her! She obviously hates needles too - also had her fair share. She hates anyone touching her face, especially to wipe it clean and she gets frustrated being held down to get dressed!

Adventures: She enjoyed her first sunshine holiday in Mauritius and our little water baby was in her element! She loved the pool, being with all her family and eating from the buffet - such a happy little sausage.

Mommy & Daddy could not live without: Each other - we really make a good team and we are very proud of ourselves as parents. We work together through good times and bad times. Parenting isn't always easy but to be able to share it with someone who thinks and acts like you do and complements you in every way is a real blessing. This holiday was so much fun and a great trip for us and MC is the one person who makes this whole journey magical...

*Monthly pictures taken by the talented, Bron Fourie from Vanilla Photography

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe this precious little poppet is almost one. What a happy little thing - you're doing so well raising your beautiful girls sweet mama! xx


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