09 April 2015

Meet the Momma: Introduction

Welcome to our new blogging series:

Meet the Momma

It has been truly amazing and heartwarming at how many other mommas I have met locally since having our baby girls and online through the blogging community. It has been so special making so many new friends because of our little miracles. I have met so many of my new favourite friends so randomly but all because we have a common denominator: children. One I met in the hair salon, another my beautician, another at the same school and another in a Moms & Miracles class - having children really can bring you closer together. In the blogging community, I have got to know so many great mommas too - some I knew before they were pregnant and have now followed on and many I have ever met through parenting posts and link ups.

As a momma myself, I thought that this series would be a great way to "meet" and get to know local and international mommas, as well as share trials, tricks and advice with each other.

The new series starts next Thursday and we have some awesome mommas lined up. Don't miss it!

If you are a momma and would like to join in and be featured, please contact me at: caley@oakbrook.co.za


  1. I love this can't wait to join!!!! I am so excited

  2. Aw, I love this! What a great idea!

  3. Hi C, I don't have a blog but absolutely love your one? As a new Mommy to be I am dying to see ur new series 😊


Thank you for your lovely comment!