30 April 2015

Meet the Momma: Katie

Meet the Momma: Katie from Keep Calm & Carry On

Katie Krysh, age 29, son Camden, Columbus Ohio.

Did you experience easy or difficult pregnancies and births?
Very easy pregnancy, loved all of it! I don't have anything to compare to, but I would say labour wasn't as difficult as most peoples.

Are you a stay-at-home-mom or working mom? How does this work for you?
I work part time and home with Cam two days a week. The work and home balance is perfect for me so that I still can get out of the house and have coworkers, but then also be home for my little man a few days a week.

How did you decide on your child/rens names?
Camden was the only boy name that my husband and I loved! So it was a done deal!

How has your life changed since having children - positive and negative?
I LOVE being a mommy! Wouldn't change it for a thing, but the first month was definitely rough adjusting to our new 'normal'.

Where are your children at school, and how did you make this decision?
We have a nanny for two days a week who watches him in her home and my stepmom watches him one day. We liked the idea of waiting to take him into a daycare setting until he was a little bit older.

Are your kids more like you or your husband, and in what ways?
I would definitely say he is a lot like me so far. He loves mornings (my husband is not a morning person!) and is pretty goofy and silly.

Describe the "type" of Mom you think you are?
I would say I'm a warm, loving and very protective mom!

How do you stay organised or in a routine - or do you live in organised chaos?
I can't stand chaos so having a routine in our family is essential. We try to have a schedule, but adapt when necessary.

What is your favourite activity as a family?
I love going to the park and taking Cam on walks.

Describe your 'Mommy-me-time'? 
One of my favourite things to do is read books with Camden. He's started following the pages and seems to really enjoy it. Giving him massages after his bath is another favourite too.

Describe your proudest moment as a Mom. 
Since he is so young, I would have to say my proudest moment would be giving birth to him and surviving the first month! Haha!

Any advice for other Moms or Moms-to-be.
My biggest advice for the first few months would be to soak up all the cuddles you can. and let all the chores and other errands wait!

Thank you Katie for your wise words and sharing your story. Little Cam is just too sweet and you are rocking this momma thing!

1 comment:

Thank you for your lovely comment!