05 May 2015

May Goals

via Pinterest

May is another exciting month in our family - this time celebrating EN's birthday (and it's her first!)

May Goals

  • Be a more supportive wife
  • Be a more patient mom
  • Wake up earlier
  • Attend church regularly
  • Run more
  • Continue drinking more water
  • Start drinking herbal tea
  • Lose 1kg
  • Read a new book
  • Cook a new recipe
  • Bake a new recipe
  • Enjoy a facial
  • Enjoy a full body massage
  • Celebrate EN's 1st birthday
  • Host EN's 1st birthday party
  • Celebrate Mother's Day
  • Send SJ to her first camp out
  • Attend a wedding
  • Attend a 30th birthday party
  • Enjoy a fun night out
  • Start a design course
  • Escape for a night away
  • Send two snail mail packages
What are your goals for the month of May?
Whose going to hold me accountable this month?


  1. Great goals lady!
    If you need a little motivation for your foodie goals I'll have you as a guest blogger on T&T - no getting out of that if you're keen

  2. Another month of great goals, you got this! My biggest goal is to finish all of our projects that we have started so we can enjoy and relax all summer! Xo, Stephanie


Thank you for your lovely comment!