07 May 2015

Meet the Momma: Laura

Meet the Momma: Laura from Happily Ever Parker

Hey all! I am Laura and I blog over at Happily Ever Parker. I am 32 years old, a wife of 2.5 years and have an 8 month old baby girl named Presley. I am based out of Northern California.

Did you experience easy or difficult pregnancies and births?
I have to say I am pretty blessed that I did not have a difficult pregnancy or birth. You can read all about my birth story here.

Are you a stay-at-home-mom or working mom? How does this work for you?
I am a working mom, but hopefully not forever. It's difficult to balance all the responsibilities of the household and at the office but we make it work. We are extremely fortunate that my parents watch and help with Presley during the day.

How did you decide on your child/rens names?
I really like the name Presley and my husband said okay! Good thing too because I was not going to budge!

How has your life changed since having children - positive and negative?
I would say that my life has changed for the better. I absolutely love being a mama. It's the best job, hardest job, most rewarding job I have ever had. Nurturing and caring for a little human is no small feat but seeing the joy in her eyes as she discovers the world around her is my absolute favourite. We also make sure that Presley fits into our lifestyle and not the other way around. So we still try and do things that we normally would prior to her arrival. This means small trips up the coast, daytime adventures and overnight stays. In fact when Presley was only five weeks old, we went on a mini vacation. Looking back now... well that was nuts! However I am glad we did it!

Where are your children at school, and how did you make this decision?
Presley is too little for school!

Are your kids more like you or your husband, and in what ways?
P is still so little so we have yet to see who she really takes after. Funny thing is she has both of our eyes. When she smiles, she looks just like me but when she is just staring ahead she looks just like her daddy. She is constant smiles all the time too.

Describe the "type" of Mom you think you are?
I would like to describe myself as a laid back mom but I guess it all depends on the situation. I am all about letting children discover and explore things. I think when we shelter them too much we are doing more harm than good. However, she is still a baby so I guess it all depends on how much of a trouble make she is going to be.

How do you stay organised or in a routine - or do you live in organised chaos?
Naturally I am an organised person (my husband would greatly disagree!) I have my certain way of doing things and putting them away. It's harder to stay on top of things since I am not a stay at home mom but I try and get the house all straightened up by the time Sunday rolls around. Y know, just in time to mess it all up again.

What is your favourite activity as a family?
My favourite activity in general has always been to go to the coast. I am looking forward to many trips (with our dog, Finn, included) to the ocean together! We love exploring tide pools, hunting for seashells and wading in the ocean. Although where we live it's a bit chilly!

Describe your 'Mommy-me-time'? 
I really enjoy taking photos and getting to know how to use my DSLR better. That being said every Saturday morning I wake up and play with Presley on the floor. Snapping photos and FaceTiming family. She is just now really starting to interact and I am so excited for our mommy and me time to become even more fun. I see many a pedicure date in our future.

Describe your proudest moment as a Mom. 
I would have to say my proudest moment as a mom is seeing how happy Presley is. I know that babies are all different but she is so mellow, happy and full of joy. Clearly what we are doing and how we are raising her is working. If she is always this happy, that would be my greatest achievement.

Any advice for other Moms or Moms-to-be.
Stay true to you. Don't compare yourself to others (especially strangers on the internet!) I think the one thing that I really cherished when I became a mom was the support of the other moms. I think as a girl especially we compete with women for so long. Clothing, looks, etc instead of competing, if we all just complimented one another we would get a whole lot farther in life. Surround yourself with people that aren't afraid to ask for advice and always know that there is more that one way to do something. We all want the same thing, happy, healthy babies that grow up to be happy, healthy adults.

Thank you Laura for being a part of our special series - you are an amazing momma with the cutest little Miss P and the most beautiful photos and sound advice.


  1. Thanks for having me lovely mama!! And a very Happy Birthday to little miss Ellie!!

  2. I love her name!


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