23 July 2015

Five on Friday

Another crazy week of business and hectic-ness but it's Friday again! And the school holidays are officially over - back to structure and routine in our household...
Linking up with Christina and friends for Five on Friday and Karli for Oh Hey Friday!


It's no secret around here that I have never been a runner and that I actually hate running. Until now...
Two weeks ago, I decided that I needed to get my a&& back in the gym doing regular weight training twice a week and cardio (aka running) three times a week. I have started from the very beginning with a six week program that will slowly increase my running fitness and distance.

Thus far, I am very proud of my running progress. I have slowly increased my speed when running and walking and each run has show a good increase in distance. Soon I will just be running for 30 minutes (eeeeeeek!)

Week One: Run for 2 minutes, walk for 4 minutes (repeat for 30 minutes)

Week Two: Run for 3 minutes, walk for 3 minutes (repeat for 30 minutes)

Dare I say that I am actually enjoy it!


  1. You go Cals! Running is such a freeing experience, I love it! But you have fantastic bod, so don't go lose all your curves!

  2. girl! this is awesome! you know i love me some running. just wait...once you have 30 minutes under your belt you should sign up for a 5 or 10k race! happy weekend!

  3. Yay mama! I felt the same way about running at the beginning, now it's something I look forward to!


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