02 July 2015

June Goals: TICK

June has been one CRAZY month! Probably the busiest month we have had this year - starting my course/lectures, EN being sick, SJ busiest school term, MC traveling and the social calendar exploding!!

  • Be a more patient wife I like to think so
  • Spend more quality time with our girls
  • Make time for those that matter
  • Less time and energy on those that don't Winning at this! 
  • Try waking up earlier - Failed!
  • Drink more water
  • Eat less sugar 50/50 on this one!
  • Keep running Not as much but I have run weekly
  • Try Bikram yoga Only twice but I tried!
  • Keep up our church attendance - Only once :(
  • Enjoy two date nights
  • Celebrate Father's Day
  • Participate in #Collaboreads with Amber - FAILED! No time to read!
  • Host a surprise
  • Attend a special friends bachelorette dinner
  • Attend a very special wedding
  • Watch our girls be flower girls
  • Attend SJ's Big Walk at school
  • Bake for SJ's school princess party
  • Keep on top of the homework for my course
  • Send two more snail mail packages
One thing I learnt this past month was to be realistic.
Be realistic with my time, my goals and my expectations - and it really helped.. It has been a hectic month but I am proud of myself.
How were your June goals?

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