18 August 2015

30 Fun Facts

In light of me turning thirty this weekend, I asked my nearest and dearest for some fun facts about me.

30 Fun Facts for my 30th:

  • You are high on life - and you don't need a drink to prove this.
  • You are overly generous with a big heart.
  • You love to talk on long distance runs - always to keen to catch up no matter the circumstance.
  • You never change - always the same, no matter what.
  • You have Chinese slit eyes when you smile.
  • You love social media.
  • You are a hopeless romantic.
  • You go for a weekly spray tan in Summer.
  • You don't like wearing black - you prefer bright colours (but actually look hot in black!)
  • You should be an event planner.
  • You know cars better than some guys.
  • You are blind without your contact lenses.
  • You always have your nails done.
  • You don't give up - still training to make yourself a runner.
  • I can mention a day or occasion, doesn't matter how long ago, and you will be able to remember what you were wearing.
  • You can't go anywhere without a brush in your bag - which inevitably leads to you brushing your hair in public.
  • If given the chance, you live off potatoes - in any shape or form.
  • You have one of the biggest hearts I know, and would do absolutely anything no matter what time or day or night for your friends and family.
  • You are great to hang around with, so easy to be around (and you talk a lot!)
  • You get louder and louder when you drink - funnier and funnier and your dance moves get loose!
  • You get excited about everyone and the big things in their lives. You add value to everyones joy in life.You know to throw the most incredible parties.
  • You are one of the most amazing and thoughtful friends.
  • You are always up for some fun.
  • You are OCD about spelling.
  • You are like a rock - the most consistently kind and caring friend.
  • You are ridiculously generous - not only with thoughtful gifting but also with your love and time.
  • You speak life - always building people up and not spreading negativity or rumours.
  • You always look gorgeously groomed, hair, nails and clothes always look stunning.
  • You have incredible style - in clothing, decor and everything in between.
  • You share my love for Coca Cola.
And that is why I have the BEST friends!


  1. Ah Cals this is really so lovely. I hope it made you feel as special as you truly are xx

  2. I absolutely love this! Definitely stealing this idea for one of my posts :) What great thoughts from your friends and family. x

  3. I "know" you only via your bog but these lovely "facts" about you are evident every time I read a new post :)
    Happy birthday month Caley. I hope it`s magical.

  4. What beautiful facts and of course they're all so happy and positive, because that's what you radiate through your blog and pictures!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm sorry SJ is sick and I hope she is feeling better soon and that you'll be able to celebrate properly!


Thank you for your lovely comment!