21 September 2015

Dear... Compromise

Not the easiest letter I have had to write this month, a letter link up with Amber from Mr Thomas And Me.

September Prompt: On Compromise

Dear MC,

Compromise is one of the great lessons you have taught me. As an only child and natural leader of the pack, I am used to getting my own way. And often not negatively. I wouldn't consider myself a brat or stroppy when I don't get my own way but in most things in life, I have learnt to do things and do them well so that I am able to be in control - and again that is said with positivity. I never had a sibling to fight or share with, I was the friend who lead the way and made decisions for other friends who liked to follow, and even now I am the mum who likes to get involved and handle things so others don't have to worry - all of this resulting in me getting "my way". 

The same goes for our relationship in the beginning and now in our marriage. We are relatively easy going people and we don't mind the compromise - more so because we want the other to be genuinely happy, even if means making a sacrifice. 

As a young couple - you went on boys nights and I went on girls nights. I watched endless sports matches and you watched my drama series. I ate your healthy meals during the week and you ate takeout on weekends. I learnt to love the bush and animals and you don't mind shopping. You spent money on golf clubs and surf boards and I spent money on grooming products and make up. I cooked meals and you washed the dishes. I made tea at night before bed and you made tea in the mornings. It's always been a give and take for us...

And now in marriage too - you go on bike rides and I get pamper days. You do bath time with the girls and I do bedtime. You did formula feeds and I did breast feeds. You take SJ to school in the mornings and I fetch her in the evenings. I watch Action movies and you watch Romance movies. I eat broccoli with you and you eat potatoes with me. You go to work each day and work so hard to provide for our family and I stay home to run our home and look after our children. Even when SJ was in hospital, you slept one night and I slept the next. We are a team, and we work together.

However, there are also so many times in life when compromise hasn't been an issue because you have let me win... Organising our wedding, designing and building and decorating our home and even planning our holidays and parties or shopping for our wardrobes. You have faith in me that I will do a good job and have good taste and get things done that you just let me be. These are situations that can cause serious conflict in a marriage as couples have conflicting ideas and expectations but you let me run with it - and you are always so proud of me and the job that I do. Thank you.

I love you MCR
Your Bride 

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this. So much of marriage is about compromising even when we think that our way is faster, better, easier, etc. I love that you do one and he does the other. Such an amazing partnership y'all have my sweet friend.


Thank you for your lovely comment!