24 September 2015

Heritage Day

via Pinterest

24 September is Heritage Day in South Africa.
Today, we celebrate our culture, our diversity and our heritage that makes up our rainbow nation. 

A bit of history:
In Kwa-Zulu Natal, 24 September was firstly known as Shaka Day, in commemoration of King Shaka Zulu. Shaka was the legendary Zulu King who played an important role in uniting Zulu clans into a cohesive nation. We now celebrate this day as a public holiday and in 2005, the day was rebranded as National Braai Day in honour of our country's famous meal, the bar (BBQ in other countries).

Any way you see it, today is about our country and all the wonderful people, cultures and races that make up our nation.
We are proudly South African.

It is no secret that MC and I love our country and we are extremely loyal and patriotic (and maybe a little bias too). We agree that South Africa (and Durban) is the most beautiful country/city in the world and this is why...

We have a very warm climate and Durban in particular, it is warm all year round.
We have beautiful beaches, mountains and the best bush/safaris.
We are a rainbow nation with diverse cultures and mixed races.
Our nation is friendly, welcoming and hospitable.
We are close to most immediate family.
We are spoilt with unbelievable domestic help.
Most of our closest friends live nearby.
We have a good education system and dedicated teachers.
We have the freedom of space with comfortable size homes and big gardens.
We have good businesses and great networking.
We have a good medical system.
Our small country allows us to travel and explore other cities.
We have open roads to allow us to own our own transport.
Our schools, shops, place of work, churches are in close proximity.
We have good entrepreneurial skills and small businesses.
We farm, grow and produce great meat, fish, fresh produce and wines.
We live our lives outdoors and being active.

Don't get me wrong, our country is not perfect and I am grateful for the position we are in in our country. Our country (like so many others) has crime, poverty, a controversial government and conflict but to us, it is home. 

The grass is only greener where it is watered, and we water ours beautifully.


  1. Love this! Especially that last quote :) South Africa sounds beautiful - I hope I can make it over there one day!

  2. South Africa has been on my visit list for FOREVER and this post make it even more so. This sounds like our equivalent of the Fourth of July but I just love the natural reasons you listed that you love your country! XO

  3. Thank you for this post. We can so easily get caught up in all the "politics" of our country! This post is a wonderful, happy reminder that we are an amazing country, and nation! xxx

  4. Ah love that last line! I love living here!

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