07 October 2015

October Goals

via Pinterest

Hard to believe that we have three months left of the year... Summer is fast approaching for us and yay for Halloween and Christmas soon!!

October Goals

  • Appreciate my MC every day
  • Be present with my girls
  • Back on track with health and fitness (and my fitness IG for accountability)
  • Drink more water
  • Celebrate our wedding anniversary and romantic getaway
  • EN's surgery and road to recovery
  • Celebrate a special friends 30th birthday
  • Attend the Global Leadership Summit
  • Print my first party design
  • Attend SJ's school concert
  • Celebrate and host a Halloween party
  • Host a Cuppa for Cansa tea
  • Attend three baby showers
  • Watch our Springboks win the Rugby World Cup
  • Celebrate our niece's 1st birthday
  • Possible trip to Houston
  • Visit blogging friends in Texas
  • Possible country concert
  • Enjoy my first tanning session
  • Read a book
  • Watch a movie at the cinema
  • Watch the finale of The Bachelorette (I know who wins!)

A busy and exciting month ahead!


  1. Hi Cals! You will be in my thoughts with EN's op! Cant wait to see the pics of SJ's concert and the possible trip to Texas! x

  2. Oh my gosh. I can't wait to see you NEXT weekend!! I was just too excited for it that I jumped one week ahead. haha Hope you have a great week! Get to packing!!


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