03 December 2015

November Goals: TICK

via Pinterest

I can quite confidently say that November was our worst month yet, and 2015 has been our worst year yet - and it's not even over! I was quite happy to see the back of this crazy month...

  • Be the wife MC wants me to be I can only hope
  • Love on my girls more than ever
  • Make more time for and with Jesus In ways I never imagined.
  • Start some form of exercise again I started but not completed
  • Try and not neglect my health when life gets crazy
  • Remove toxic and dramatic relationships
  • Host a special awareness event for Amy Miller
  • Attend a Class Mums breakfast
  • Celebrate two very special friends 30th birthdays Just made it!
  • Surprise someone
  • Enjoy a bush getaway with friends - We had to cancel.
  • Shoot our Christmas family photos - This was delayed.
  • Buy a new car - Still waiting for insurance to pay.
  • Attend a photography workshop
  • Attend a baby shower and bachelorette party
  • Take EN to her first swimming lessons
  • Execute my first styled shoot - Postponed.
  • Start Christmas shopping
  • Plan our Advent calendar
  • Cook our first The Munchbox recipes with SJ
  • Read a book - Read? What is that?
  • Enjoy a pamper massage - Postponed.
  • Watch a movie at the cinema - Cinema? What is that?
I didn't achieve much this month and a lot was put on hold but I have learnt so many valuable life lessons.
Bring on December.


  1. Ah my friend I know how you've been longing for this year to be over. Praying that December is better for you guys and that this year ends on a sweeter note xx

  2. I'm so sorry to hear Nov/2015 have been so challenging for you and your sweet family. Here's hoping a bit of summertime fun and festive holiday memories will bring some happier times and set a good theme for 2016! X


Thank you for your lovely comment!