02 February 2016

Cape Town Getaway

MC and I were very lucky to sneak away for three nights in December. A friend of ours was home for the holidays from Hong Kong so we made a long weekend trip to see him and spend some quality time together. And it was the most magical time!

We spent three days like newlyweds - sleeping in, eating and drinking, good times with good friends, lazing on the beach, and shopping up a storm - all in our own time and just the two of us. Just what we needed!

We have always been so good at taking time out as a couple. We are so aware of how the craziness and busyness of life gets to us, and we so easily get caught up in the mundane daily tasks, work and family, social engagements and being Mommy & Daddy. But we are husband and wife first - and these romantic getaways are so important to be the best people we can be.

I love you my MCR.


  1. You and MC are an amazing couple Cals! #RelationshipGoals

  2. Gorgeous scenery and an even more gorgeous couple!

  3. Just read your story about you and MC - so special! Looking forward to reading more of your posts

    Cassidy xXx


Thank you for your lovely comment!