29 April 2016

Five on Friday

It's been a while since I have shown my face around here on a Friday.

It's good to be back with these favourite Friday ladies:
Five on Friday with Christina
Oh Hey Friday! with Karli

Five on Friday - Randoms

1. Midlands. We are going away this weekend to enjoy some quality family time in the Midlands. Cool fresh air, the rolling green hills and just the four of us is just what we need after the hectic and crazy few weeks we have had!

2. Four under four. This past weekend, we babysat our niece and nephew for the weekend. Two nights and three days of four kids under four. SJ is four and EN two and then our niece FR is 18 months and our nephew LE is 4 months. It was a full and busy house but awesome bonding time with the cousins.

3. SJ turned FOUR. Last week, our big girl celebrated her fourth birthday! How is it possible that we have a big girl, a four year old who is smart and sassy and so self-sufficient and independent? Stay tuned for party posts coming soon. 

4. EN turns TWO next week. Another birthday in the house and another baby that is now a big girl. Our baby girl is slowly making the transition into big school, potty training, less bottles and into a big girl room and bed. No more baby in the house.

5. LuluPop is live online. My little business has gone online. I officially launched the LuluPop website this week and I am very proud. A huge thank you to for her website design and expertise - a wonderful working experience. Let me know what you think?

A whole lot of ramblings today.
Happy long weekend!


  1. How exciting congrats!!!Chelsea @ http://thewilliamsjourney1.blogspot.com

  2. wow really very nice post thanks



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