10 May 2016

Mothers Day 2016

"Mothers hold their children hands for a short while, but their hearts forever"

It felt like just the other day that Mother's Day was a day that I went out to buy gifts, I ordered flowers and I spoilt and showered my own Mom, Nan and MIL with love and celebrations. It was all about them. And now for the fourth year, I am the Mom.

That simple statement is pretty powerful and often very overwhelming. It is filled with so many emotions. I am someones Mum - in fact, I am Mum to TWO 'someones'... I am the body that conceived them, that grew and developed them, that gave birth to them and gave them life by bringing them into this world. I am a half of the whole that made the decision that they should join this world, this family and our hearts.

On some days, I am so proud of that and I can comprehend it all because I am in control and I have my sh** together but on other days, it completely consumes me and I doubt myself and my ability through every second of the day. I sit and pray for the now and for the future - I pray for strength and guidance, patience and kindness, love and understanding. I pray for these traits and qualities to get me through the mundane but often chaotic tasks of meal times, changing times, childhood phases, tantrums, sleep (or lack of!) and illness. But most of all, I pray for faith. Faith that He knows best.

This weekend, I said a giant prayer of thanks and gratitude. I said thank you to our Lord for making me a Mom, for allowing me to give life to these two little miracle blessings. I said thank you for the special little girls that they have become and that I have been able to be their Mum to the best of my ability. I said a prayer of thanks and gave myself a high five for the Mum that I have been, and that I am - I am grateful that my girls have overcome all health obstacles, that they have a roof over their heads, schools to educate them and an army of people around them that love and adore them. And I am proud that they love to engage with people, that they have good manners, that they have a healthy relationship with food and sleep, that they are kind and considerate to other children and that they respect their elders, and that they have the most incredible bond as sisters and are best friends. 

Today, I am proud of the Mum that I am and I promise to keep trying my very best to always be the best Mum I can be.

Happy Mothers Day to all Mums, Mum-in-Laws, Grannies, Aunties, Godmothers, Mums who have lost and Mums who pray and wait to be Mums.

We spent our Mothers Day with gifts and breakfast in bed and then a wonderful lunch with both our Mums.

1 comment:

  1. You are a stunning mom Cals. The girls and MC adore you so much. I hope you had a beautiful day love. xx


Thank you for your lovely comment!