29 July 2016

Five on Friday

I am happy to report that this Five on Friday post is being typed from my own home again. After an incredible two week holiday in London, it is still always good to be home - there is just no place like it! And I love a bit of routine and reality too.
Link up with Christina and friends for Five on Friday and Karli for Oh Hey Friday!

Just a few of my favourites from our London trip - another post to follow.

Five on Friday: London

1. Parks. London parks in the Summer - do I need to say anymore? They are filled with people having picnics, catching a tan and so many fun festivals and markets. Also a great place for the kids to run free.

2. High Tea. Have you ever met a child who doesn't love a treat? My girls love tea and cake so high tea was perfect for them. We booked an afternoon at Sketch for their delicious high tea in the most beautiful pink tea parlour.

3. The Underground. As a London resident, I used to hate all public transport - slow, always delayed and unreliable, full of some strange people and hot and sweaty. But for two little girls, the underground fast train is pure delight and exhilaration. The girls loved hopping on and off, just for fun!

4. London Eye. The big wheel of London. I had never been on this ride and I probably won't go again but it was worth the experience once in your lifetime. SJ loved staring out the windows at all the buildings and buses and people. EN was not interested and fell asleep before we got back down. MC and I are not a huge fan of heights so we were quite keen to get off!

5. Family. MC's sisters both live in London so it is hard for us to all be together as one, big family. This lunch was very special - for us all to be together and spend quality time together. A lovely but crazy lunch with 7 adults and 4 children.

Have you been to London? What did you enjoy?
Happy Friday.


  1. Such precious memories Cals. I absolutely adore London and hope to go soon. The girls looked like they were having a ball. Stunning family. xx

  2. HAHA i LOVE SJ's face in the top pic!


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