19 June 2014

EN - Month 1

Our little serious girl...

Month 1:

Weight: 3.1kgs

Height: 47cm

Clothing size: Tiny Baby and Prem Baby (newborn is still too big)

Diaper size: Size O 

Feeding: 90mls (every 3 hours) We are following a daily schedule of 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and demand feeding at night.

Sleep: Relatively well considering she is a newborn and perm baby. We have had some bad nights where she wakes every 3 hours and struggles to go back down for an hour or two, and we have had some great nights when she has slept 9 hours (from 7pm - 4am). 

Milestones: She seems to be reaching her milestones on schedule - which is a good sign as the pard warned that she would only reach milestones according to her due date. She has started to focus on people (especially mom and dad), she recognises mommy and she is desperately trying to smile - love the way the ends of her mouth turn up slightly and she smiles with her eyes.

Loves: She loves being cuddled and held, she loves being soothed by mom or dad and she is loving her little cherry dummy.

Dislikes: There doesn't seem to be too much that she doesn't like - maybe just being hungry or cold.

Adventures: Mom and Dad haven't been too adventurous this month as having two kiddies is a little more restricting than one. We have had many local outings - for meals and the shops and play dates but no sleeping out just yet. We did have one night off for date night so Nana and Aunty Debs got a chance to babysit for a few hours.

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: My amazing MIL (aka Super Mom and Super Nan) As mentioned in my previous post, she has been the biggest help this past month. She has given unconditional love and support. She has cooked and cleaned, She has fetched and carried SJ, had her at her house every afternoon and some evenings. She has done our washing and ironing. She has driven me around. She has slept over when MC has been away from home. She has done EVERYTHING and more for us - and never once complained or said no. We also couldn't live without our postnatal clinic nurse, Doreen and our paediatrician, Dr Roos. They have given valuable advice on expectations and differences when having a premature baby as well as assuring us that all is going well in this first month. 

See SJ's Month 1 here.

*Monthly pictures taken by the beautiful and talented Bron from Vanilla Photography*


  1. I love the monthly updates - feels like we're part of the journey.

  2. she is looking adorable in her little outfit! i really need to see the rest of your home though...this chair?! that CUTE adorable plush monkey?! their nurseries must be so adorable! i vote for sharing info about them and pics! ;) haha!

  3. She is absolutely gorgeous!! :)


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