18 June 2014

Father's Day

via Pinterest

Fathers Day this year was a little bittersweet for me. And it's quite difficult to explain why... All the wishes and posts, cute photos and dedications on social media were both heart warming but heart breaking too.

MC and I had a long and difficult night on Saturday so my ideal plans of making him breakfast in bed and showering him with love and affection all day didn't just work out. We gave him his presents and enjoyed a family lunch together but it wasn't enough of a celebration of the amazing father that he is. Our girls are too young to realise how lucky and truly blessed they are to have a daddy just like him. He thinks of them every second of the day and he devotes his whole life to them. He puts them first, no matter what and he is constantly trying to make life so wonderful and perfect for them. He spends all his spare time with them - making them laugh and doting on them. He is calm and gentle yet he is strict and keeps them well disciplined. He is up with them at night and early mornings, he is by their side through being sick, being sad or being scared. He teaches them so much about ABC, 123 and all about life too. But more than anything, he loves them and he is always there for them. And I know this is forever.

I have to admit, I am a little jealous of of my girls. Jealous of the amazing dad that they have and the bond that they already share with them. Don't get me wrong, I have a dad and a step dad and they have both been present throughout my life. But as lucky as I was to have these two men in my life and all that they did for me - a dad like MC is hard to find. He is as close to perfect as you can get. He is the dad I wish I had had. A dad that we all dream about.

My dream dad would have done all of the below for me...

A dad to call daddy when you are 5, 15, 25, 35 and even 55 years old.
A dad who stayed up all night with me when I had a wind, needed to be fed or just to be held.
A dad who changed my nappies.
A dad who calmed me when I cried.
A dad who was always present.
A dad who taught me my ABC and 123.
A dad who would drive me to and from school.
A dad who taught me manners, morals and values. 
A dad who would get involved, with everything.
A dad who would cuddle me at night when I was scared.
A dad who would teach me to ride a bicycle.
A dad who would attend all my sports matches, drama recitals and prize givings.
A dad who would take me on holidays and weekend getaways.
A dad who would encourage the outdoors and fitness. 
A dad who would take me camping, just the two of us.
A dad who would cook healthy meals for me. 
A dad who would leave love notes in my lunch box.
A dad who would help me study for exams and keep me motivated.
A dad who would reward my hard work and effort.
A dad who would spoil me on special occasions.
A dad who would wipe away the tears when a friend hurt me or my first boyfriend broke my heart.
A dad who would teach me to drive a car and would help me choose my first car.
A dad who would attend my university graduation.
A dad who would help me write my CV, prepare for my first interview and help me find my first job.
A dad who would encourage and help me find my first home.
A dad who would be delighted when a man loved me enough to ask for my hand in marriage.
A dad who would do everything in his might to help finance my dream wedding.
A dad who would have that look and tear in his eye when first seeing me in my wedding dress.
A dad who would be so proud to walk me down the aisle, give me away, say a speech about me and dance with me at my wedding.
A dad who would treat my husband as his own son.
A dad who would be the best grandfather.
A dad who loved my mom unconditionally.
A dad who would be my first love, the first man in my life.
A dad who was present, every day of my life.

This is the dad I know MC will be to our girls and I am so grateful for this.
Do you have this dad?


  1. MC sounds like a true gem and a rare find! Lucky ladies :)
    My dad doesn't tick all the boxes on the list above. In fact, just a few of them. But we have a connection that means more to me than anything. He is my person, truly the man in my life. Everything I do, every decision I make, I chat to him. We have our own language. It freaks my mom out and she is really jealous. As much as I love having this bond with my dad, I'm sad that it's affected my bond with my mom.

  2. My Cals what a personal post. You may not have had all that but you still are one of the most amazing people I know, and its made you appreciate and treasure everything that Marc does... Lots of love special friend.

  3. I know they will appreciate him for everything that he is, especially because you will be constantly reminding them and that love and support will be so all consuming and evident. This post was so great. So honest and so beautiful. I don't have a relationship with my dad at all and he hasn't been involved in my life really and so Father's Day is always a heartbreaking time for me, I spent most of Sunday morning crying. But, I do have a mom that is all of those things and more - A mother and a m(f)ather. I also wouldn't change any thing about my circumstances - it has made me who I am even though it has been exceptionally difficult. You and your girls are so lucky and I love that you know that :) Also, he is lucky too!


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