24 September 2014

{ONE YEAR AND BEYOND} When is the right time for Baby #2?


Now that this link up is done, I'm back to cover the first few topics. I was intrigued but these topics and have enjoyed reading other moms tips and ideas, struggles and experiences as well as receiving a good response from Ellie Love readers.

This last weeks topic was:
Deciding when is the right time for Baby #2 

This is an interesting topic, and one that is obviously very relevant to us as we had this debate this time last year.
My plain and simple answer: There is never a right time!

Whatever the timing, you will still be overjoyed at the sweet babe you have been blessed with and you will make it work - if the first sibling is too young, you watch them mature and grow over nine months. If the first sibling is still sleeping in a cot, you put the new baby in a crib. If you don't know where to find the money, you juggle your finances. 

As with everything in life, you just make it work.
And when your little newborn is in your arms, everything falls into place and you become a family of four without even realising.

MC has always looked forward to being a Dad.
We had a two year plan before we started trying to get pregnant with our first and after just six months, he was begging. A few months later, I came round to the idea and we were lucky to fall pregnant with our little SJ. We then had another two year plan and agreed to start talking about #2 at SJ's second birthday. And again, MC started begging when SJ was just 16 months old. 

But once again, the timing was perfect. We fell pregnant when God decided it was right for us and our family. And little EN was born just three weeks after SJ turned two.

Falling pregnant is a process that is completely out of your control and it is all in god's timing. Some people fall pregnant easily and some people battle. Some women experience miscarriages and lose babies before they have another. Some wait years for so many reasons and then it doesn't happen in their timing. Some expect it to take a few months and it happens quickly. And often it happens when some don't even want children yet.

It is all meant to be.

But in saying that, ideally we would have liked the following to be in place before #2 was born:
Moved into our new home
A new nursery set up
SJ sleeping in a big girl bed for the cot to be free
SJ to be at play school in the mornings to allow time for the new baby
SJ to be talking and have a basic understanding of instructions
SJ to enjoy her 2nd birthday, with our full attention
SJ to understand the idea and concept of a new baby sibling

I would say we were pretty lucky that this all worked out in the end. And now SJ is the best big sister and adored by her little sister. The transition to being parents of two has been relatively easy and painless for us - and we are so blessed to have our two little princesses.

When is/was the right time for Baby #2 for you?


  1. I love this! Those sweet girls are the perfect ages apart.

  2. Well considering number one is now 10, number two can come anytime after Ironman please lol! But when we have discussed age gaps between 2 and 3, and 3 and 4, we are leaning towards trying to fall pregnant around 1 year on. Will we still feel this way with a 1 year old? A 1 year old and a 2 year old? Will we be able to fall pregnant that quickly, or at all? Who knows. All we can do is wait and put our faith in God. He knows what we need x


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