02 October 2014

Blogtober14: Dream job when you were little/What is it now?

Dream job when you were little / What is it now?

When I was little, I used to line my dolls up in rows around my room, set up my desk in the front and play teacher/teacher - every single day. I had a wild imagination and I genuinely thought I was a sophisticated teacher, standing in front of a classroom of scholars.

I made my own worksheets, stuck them in work books, marked them and even recording marks and attendance for each child. I knew each child by name and there they sat at each desk - I had diligent students and naughty ones, I took drama and music lessons and I even went outside and took sports lessons - to all my imaginary students.

This is what happens when you are an only child, your mom sleeps a lot of the time and you always dream of being a teacher! I never ever wanted to be anything else... Besides a mom (although back then I didn't think that being a mom was a job!)

And what I am I doing now?
I am a qualified teacher, but stay-at-home-mom. Definitely living out my dreams.

After school, I wanted to be a teacher but I was nervous to study four years of a teaching degree and only be a teacher - what if I got into the classroom and I hated it? So I decided to study a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in English and Communications) and then decide if I wanted to do my Post Grad in Education so I could teach. And thats exactly what I did.

Unfortunately, I received my Post Grad whilst I was pregnant with SJ so I have never taught in a classroom full time but I had three months of teaching prac as well as a year of teaching locums in various grades - and I loved it. Who knows - maybe one day I will find myself back in the classroom but for now, I am loving being a mom to our little girls - teaching them in the best way that i can!

What was your dream job when you were little? And what are you doing now? Don't forget to join in 'blogging every day in October' with Taylor and Helene.


  1. Aaah, I always dreamed of being a teacher too and made my brother worksheets to answer and marked them in bright red pens. Fun times. Now I'm in Insurance. Who'd of thought ha ha

  2. A part of me wanted to be a teacher, or a lecturer at least. I love sharing knowledge and teaching people. Now I don't think I'll have the patience!

  3. I can't say I have ever wanted to be a teacher. I don't have nearly enough patience! I think it's great that you actually studied what you had always imagined you would.

  4. Definitely know how you felt back then playing teacher, since i did exactly the same thing.
    Studying Bachelor of Arts these days as well, after deciding not to become a teacher. But i guess it happens for a reason, so all is good :)
    Luchessa @ http://luchessa.org


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