01 October 2014

Blogtober14: If you won the lottery, you would...

If you won the lottery, you would:

This is a tough one because often we hear stories of so many people who have won the lottery and their lives have been turned upside down, for the wrong reasons - money and greed can take over your life and it comes with a lot of negativity. I would like to think that I would be able to contain myself and use/spend the money wisely.

I would do the following three things:

As youngsters, we never really understand the value and importance of money but as adults and even more so as parents, we soon learn that money doesn't grow on trees and there really is never enough. I would like to invest money in educational funds for our children - education is so important from toddlers to university and the private school fees in our country are always on the rise. As a teacher, I know that every cent is well worth the spend in paving the way for our child's future. 

We all need a "rainy day fund" for those life emergencies that always seem to pop up - from a set of new tyres to an emergency medical procedure to a month full of celebrations and parties to an exploding geyser. These are all things that need money quickly and won't necessarily be covered by monthly salaries. Savings is golden.

There is always someone around us in need - from families with debt to friends who need capital for a new business or expensive fertility treatment to charities that are close to our hearts. We would love to be able to share our money with those that really need it, and help in any way we could.

Who doesn't love a luxurious overseas getaway or a nice, new car? I would love to be able to add to our list of travels - with our families, with our girls, with our friends and just a romantic getaway for the two of us. MC is also on the hunt for a new car and it would be awesome to buy a bigger car for our growing family.

Money doesn't buy love or happiness but it can help so many people, make like a little easier or more comfortable for some and allow for exciting adventures - it's all about using it wisely.

How would you spend your winning lottery?
Don't forget to join in 'blogging every day in October' with Taylor and Helene.


  1. Such wise words my friend. well said

  2. Yours is far more responsible than mine lol!


Thank you for your lovely comment!