10 October 2014

Blogtober14: I never thought blogging would...

I never thought blogging would...

1. Be a part of my life. I never imagined myself writing a blog - an online diary of myself and my life. But I love it. On most days, I look forward to it. 

2. Help me make new friends. Is it not a little weird to have online friends? People you have never met in real life. But people that know so much about you, sometimes more than people in real life do. Friends all over the world to connect with and chat with and share stories and experiences and hardships with. And lovely friends to meet up with when we cross the seas. Its truly amazing.

3. Get my creative juices flowing again. I loved English and creative writing at school. I could and would write for days, pages and pages. I never thought I would do that again. And I have - I love being creative and writing and writing, putting fingertips to keyboard to express myself.

4. Let me help others. I am touched by the way some of my posts touch others, influence others or have any effect on others. Comments and emails have left my gobsmacked that a post has touched their heart or resonated with them in some way or that I have voiced something they couldn't. It is amazing.

5. Try new things. Between so many blogs and Pinterest, I try my best to be a better person. I learn so much through blog posts - tips on marriage and hardships, crafts and activities to do with our girls, places to visit, recipes to make, ways to stay and be organised and party planning ideas. It has opened my eyes to so much more...

What has blogging done for you?
Don't forget to join in 'blogging every day in October' with Taylor and Helene.


  1. Influencing others is so neat! We really all do learn so much from eachother!

  2. My creative juices are totally flowing! Sometimes I can actually FEEL them (well that sounds gross) and I'm just bubbling with anticipation about writing a post!

    Happy Friday!!! :)


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