10 October 2014

Five on Friday

Yay! I am so glad it's Friday and that Five on Friday is back with Christina and friends.

1. Wedding celebrations. What a lovely wedding weekend with Nicole and Gregg - a busy weekend being bridesmaid and groomsman and little SJ as flower girl.

2. Measles. Can you believe that BOTH our girls managed to get baby measles this week. Our house has been a sickly home of spots and rashes, raging temperatures, crying and miserable kiddies and lots of TV and bedtime. Happy to say that SJ is all clear and EN is almost done too.

3. Booking tickets. Yay for booking tickets for Knicks games, Giants games, Broadway shows, city bus tours, comedy festivals and searching for sights to see and yummy restaurants to visit on our trip. Two more weeks!!

4. Boy or Girl. This time next week, I will be an aunt. For the very first time. And I absolutely cannot wait. I'm also so excited to find out if our little pumpkin is a niece or nephew??

5. True friends. I've learnt about people, their intentions, their hearts and what and who matters in my life. Friends definitely come in seasons and aren't always as they same. And I have definitely matured because for the first time in my life, I am happy and comfortable with letting people go, people that used to matter. 

via Pinterest

Happy Friday everyone, have a fabulous weekend.


  1. were you and your man a bridesmaid and a groomsman? how cute! love that. and baby measles? i'm so so sorry. sick kids are the saddest. i get super sad when my gal has a simple cough. anyway...found you from the five on friday...and if you get a wild hair and want to link up for oh hey friday, we'd love to have you! http://farmerbell.blogspot.com

  2. Ah shame so sorry the girls were both sick, you must be relieved they are both feeling better though. So jealous of your trip - can't wait to see pics and hear all about it!

  3. Not sure if my comment went through, but it said...

    Poor babies!!! I hope everyone is feeling better soon!!! Hang in there mama!!!


Thank you for your lovely comment!