03 December 2014

EN - 6 months

Month 6: (a few weeks late)

Weight: 7.38kgs

Height: 64.5cm

Clothing size: Big size 3-6 months and small size 6-12 months

Diaper size: Finally moved to a size 3

Feeding: 6am - bottle, 9am - cereal and bottle, 12pm, vegetables and bottle, 3pm - bottle, 6pm - cereal and bottle. She is loving her solids!

Sleep: The last few weeks she has decided to start waking up at 4am and then back to sleep at 5am but normally 7pm - 6am. She sleeps well during the day if she isn't distracted, she likes to sleep in her cot.

Milestones: Sitting on her own! She has started rolling over, she controls her head well and she is interested in everything and follows different sounds. She has started transferring toys from one hand to the other. She chatters and babbles and tries "talking" to everyone. She can be held standing and loves to stand!

Loves: Mommy, Daddy and her big sister - she really is the sweetest soul the way her face lights up when she sees us. She loves being tickled, squeaky toys and her bath as well as the swimming pool. She loved her first swim! Loves her dummy to soothe and is fascinated with being outside.

Dislikes: Big crowds, noise and strangers and being sick.

Adventures: Mommy and Daddy went overseas for two weeks and left little EN in the hands of her godparents - she coped very well (much better than her emotional and very sensitive parents who missed their girls terribly!) EN also had her first dose of antibiotics for tonsillitis - poor little soul had such a bad throat and cough.

Mommy & Daddy could not live without: Special friends who took on the big responsibility of babysitting while we were away. We were very lucky to enjoy such a long trip, although it won't be happening anytime soon again - it was too difficult being away for so long!

See SJ's Month 6 here.

*Monthly pictures taken by the talented Bron from Vanilla Photography


  1. This is beyond precious! Her tiny rolls and her little onesie! Such a happy beautiful little girl!

  2. Ah man she is gorgeous! I def see more of dad in her and you in SJ!

  3. Ah man she is gorgeous! I def see more of dad in her and you in SJ!

  4. So cute! I love the chair with the yellow piping!

  5. oh my goodness, she is perfect! love this!


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