02 December 2014

November Goals: TICK

via Pinterest
Not a bad month of sticking to and achieving goals...

November Goals

  • Say I love you to MC every day. Verbal and virtual I love you's
  • Kiss the girls every morning and every night. Always!
  • Lose 2kg. Hmmm, I lost 1kg but may have put it back on :(
  • Start running again. I've started Couch to 10k
  • Exercise 3-4 times a week. Definitely 3 times and sometimes 4!
  • Save R1000. Saved!
  • Read a book. I've started it but not finished...
  • Watch a movie on the big screen. Fail :(
  • Go on a date night. We went on a quadruple date with friends.
  • Cook one new recipe. I've stuck to our boring basics this month!
  • Bake one new recipe. I have the new recipe, I just haven't baked it yet!
  • Attend SJ's big school orientation. Done and all sorted for 2015
  • Attend SJ's playgroup Christmas ring. So proud of our little girl enjoying her friends and teacher.
  • Attend a wedding. EN wasn't well so MC went and I stayed home.
  • Enjoy a weekend getaway in Cape Town. That was also missed due to EN being unwell.
  • Celebrate EN's Baby Dedication. A very special day, post to follow.
  • Host the Baby Dedication. Hosted and all went off well.
  • Enjoy our Christmas family shoot. Can't wait to see the pics!
  • Prepare Christmas cards to send. On their way from the printers.
The non ticked items are mainly due to a busy schedule and not enough me-time. It will come...


  1. I can't wait to read the post about EN's dedication!

  2. I have a tendency to want to read books, but like you in November, I start and rarely finish. Sigh.

  3. I need to cook a new recipe. We do the same thing every week! Ha it gets so old! The season of treats! so hard to be good! I feel you! And you are so good. Making lists- you inspire me!


Thank you for your lovely comment!