23 February 2015

Dear... Dates

Another month, and another letter to write. 
The letter link up with Amber.

January's letter prompt is: On Dates and the Like

Dear MC,

Do you even need another reminder how important dates are to me? I am the "date queen" - I have a planner that plans all my dates and I am a little OCD about dates and times and schedules. But obviously the best dates are the dates I spend with you.

These dates vary; one being love date nights that involve just the two of us. Our very own time out from home, the girls and work. These dates are normally at a delicious dinner or a movie and we can chill out and relax, catch up on quality time together, sit and talk with no interruptions and our own trivial or entertaining topics of conversation. These are my favourite dates because I am pretty selfish and I don't like to share you. During these dates, I don't have to share you - I can sit next to you, hold your hand, stare into your eyes, get your undivided attention and steal as many kisses as I like.

Other dates include important dates like birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. And we all know how much I love these - any excuse for a party, celebration and gifts. These dates are so important to me, to us, to remember how things started and how far we have come, how we have changed and what we have learnt along the way. Another year, brings more years of dates but also more firsts that start new dates for the future. Dates to enjoy new experiences and make magical moments and memories on destination holidays with just the two of us, with precious family and with special friends. These dates make the best photographs.

And the last dates are the dates that we have together every day. The dates that we wake up to on the calendar. These dates are just as important as any others because they count the blessings that we get to experience together, each day. The little numbered reminders that we have this life to share together and another whole 24 hours of life that Jesus has chosen for us to live and lead.

I promise to continue to make an effort with these dates and to enjoy them all to the best that I can - the exciting ones and the mundane ones - all because they are cherished dates with you.

Love, Your Bride

Read January's letter here.


  1. I love the part where you speak about how remembering dates allows you to reflect on how far you've come and to remember how things started - I think it's so important to do this xx

  2. "I don't have to share you." -These times, the not sharing times, can be so hard, so hard to find (and we don't even have kids yet!) but they're always, ALWAYS so treasured and special because sharing is something we're so busy having to do ALL THE TIME. Thank you for reminding me that not sharing is allowed, that we can take that time for us, about us, only, ONLY us.

  3. This!!! Made my day!! I love love love this post friend. You are so right. Every. single. day is a date. How lucky that we get to wake up and spend it with our other halves. We are so blessed.


Thank you for your lovely comment!